Need suggestions on deciding the depth of casing pipe for borewell


Total depth of borewell is 250 feet, water is at 140 feet. Is it sufficient to put the casing pipe till 60 feet?

Need contacts for borewell scanning in Salem, Tamil Nadu


We require an experienced individual to scan a borewell in Salem, Tamil Nadu using the Bore Hole Camera method. We also want to consult a Geologist/ Hydro-Geologist regarding the same.…

Need suggestions for resolving a problem with borewell functioning
We are from Salem, Tamilnadu. We have a borewell which is 10 years old. It is a 6" bore with a depth of 600 feet. We are using a 5HP compressor type…
Need suggestion on selecting a suitable motor


We have a small pond in our house around 20"x20" with a depth of 6" and we have a bore of 40" too.  Can you suggest the motor specifications for this.

Need advice on digging borewell


I dug a borewell at Alwal, to a depth of 400ft and found no water, but found hard rocks below. Please advice if there is any possibility of water oozing if I went beyond the rock. Should…

Need details to set up a drinking water bottle plant


I need information to start a drinking water bottle plant. I would like to get some insights on required machines, land, government policy, certificatation required, aproximate…

Need tips to remove dissolved iron from borewell water for drinking purposes


Our borewell water has been detected with dissloved iron. Water analsyis is as follows:

pH  7.1

TDS  91ppm

Hardness  32ppm

Alkalinity  58ppm

Chloride  …

Need tips for recharging borewell in farm land


I have a farm near Pune. It has 5 borewells. These borewells are approximately 40-50 feet deep. I want to start recharging them. I have no idea how to start.

Tips and suggestons to…

Need details on the procedure for setting up packaged drinking water


Please give me the procedure for setting up ISI 14543 packaged drinking water unit and relevant guidelines for the same.

What are the implications of not using a borewell for the last three years?


We have a borewell of 350 ft depth. We had used it for a while when we dug the bore but over the last three years we havent used it. We have even removed the submersible pump from the…

Need suggestions for sinking a domestic borewell


I am going to start my house construction but before that I am planning to sink a borewell. Water usage is for 2 houses. Can you please guide me on

1. What are the things that need…

Need monthly maximum and minimum temperature data


I need monthly maximum and minimum temperature data from 1901- 2012

  1. Whole of India 
  2. State level data for Rajasthan and West Bengal
Does installation of compressor pump help get water in a failed borewell


A borewell was drilled upto 300 ft but unfortunately found no water. It was suggested by a few people that we can install a compressor pump and water will accumulate due to dampness…

What is the permissible TDS level in drinking water?


I live in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The TDS level of my piped water supply for drinking shows 520 - 540 ppm…

CPHEEO standards for per capita water for floating population in India


What is the standard norms for floating population's per capita water demand as per CPHEEO in India? In Delhi Master plan the value has been mentioned as 55 lpcd.

Please clarify…

Is this a shallow or deep tube well?


We dug a borewell in our premise for domestic purposes upto a depth of 200ft. The driller said he had encountered a sand bed and that there was plenty of water, hence there was no…

Is the borewell functioning fine?


I have dug a borewell of 550 ft depth but found no water during drilling. After a month, we had lowered a motor at 340 ft depth and approximately got 2100 ltrs of water in 24 hours.

Need information on identifying a borewell point


I would like to dig a borewell in my agricultural land. I have a well on my land which is 100 ft deep and has water. 

How do I identify a good source of water in my land for the…

Is the water with TDS 52 ppm fit for drinking?

Dear Sir,

Presently we are using river water after pre-treatment using  clarifier, sand filter, ultra filtration (UF) through UV lamp.

The water parameters are as follows:

Need details on depth of borewell drilling


Please suggest the minimum depth to which the drilling of borewell is to be continued upon hitting the water surface.

