Suggestions to decide whether a borewell or openwell for a farm?


What are the points to be borne in mind while deciding between an openwell and a borewell for a 7.5 acre farm in Dhoni district, Palakkad , Kerala. This farm has a small stream near by.…

Need suggestions for selection of appropriate technology for treating effluent from a chemical research centre


We are setting up a chemical research centre and was wondering what would be the right technology for treating its effluent water. Please note that only trade effluent will be treated in…

Need solution for treatment of borewell water


Results of physical and chemical examination of borewell water is as follows:

Total dissolved solids           - 9815 mg/lit.

Calcium                                 -   328…

Need information on electricity consumption of water pumps.
Hello, I need information on the electricity consumption of water pumps with respect to their HP capacity. I.e., 0.25 HP 0.50 HP 1 HP
Simple methods for cleaning domestic waste water for reuse


What are the simple and effective methods of cleaning domestic…

Need economical measures to reduce TDS of borewell water in urban area.


The water from my borewell contains high levels of TDS and EC. This Borewell is in an urban area. Please suggest cost effective measures to reduce TDS and EC so that the water can be…

Need climate data of Andhra Pradesh


Can I have district wise climate data of Andhra Pradesh for the past 5 years?



Mineral water/ packaged drinking water quality test


We buy 20 litres drinking water for our domestic use. I buy 5 nos of 20 litres cans for my weekly use.

I would like to know if the cans are used after 3-4 days of delivery will…

Need details to set up a water plant in Odisha


I would like to start a water plant in Odisha. I need costing details to set up the plant. Also contacts from where necessary raw materials can be procurred will be very useful.

Need suggestions on how to reduce the noise levels of a borewell compressor


My neighbour has installed an air compressor for his borewell. It is placed at the edge of his building and is near the main door of my house. For the past 7-8 years, this has…

Is re-casing of borewell possible and useful?


We have a borewell 300 ft deep, which is 7 years old. The casing is up to 70 feet. We had placed a 1HP submersible pump at 240 feet. About 3 months ago the pump stopped working and the…

Need access to the report of the Inter-Ministerial Group on issues relating to river Ganga


Various press releases indicate that the Inter-Ministerial Group constituted to examine issues relating to the Ganga (headed by B.K. Chaturvedi, Member of the Planning Commission) has…

Need solution for muddy water in borewell during rainy season


Our borewell is around 550ft deep. Water level is at around 200ft. Submersible pump is installed at 350ft. We get muddy water in rainy season due to silt in the borewell. What is the…

Need contacts of people for recharging borewell


My friends had a borewell dug to 700 feet in Madhya Pradesh but it is not yielding enough water to run the motor properly. I came across the recharge system through internet sources and…

Need help to purchase a water purifier


I was looking for advice on purchasing a water purifier for my apartment. I have just moved with my family to Kolkata where the TDS level of the municipal water supplied by the…

Need details on filtration method for borewell water


I have attached the analysis report of water sample taken from my borewell. Please advise what type of filtration would be required to make this water suitable for domestic use. Also…

Information on effective groundwater investigation methods

Hi ,

Experts may please suggest the most appropriate methods for groundwater investigations where the water table is below 600 ft , soil comprises of rock formations.

Even though…

Need information to set up a water plant in a village


I am instrested in starting a mineral water plant in my village in Kadapa. I need all relevant details for setting up this plant including land requirement, capital cost, machinery…
