Want to know the reasons for water in the new borewell turning blackish

Dear Sir,

Last summer I dug a new borewell which is yielding good amount of water. Recently we have noticed a change in the colour of water which has turned blackish. The mud in this area is…

Need machinery and its costing details for setting up a packaged drinking water plant


I would like to know the costing details of machinery for setting up a packaged drinking water plant in Mysore, Karnataka




Need costing details for setting up a mineral water plant


I would like to start a bottled water business on a small scale in Jaipur. I need to know what machines I would need and cost for the same. Is there anyone who can help me with this in…

Need advice on re-drilling the existing borewell for sustained supply of water


I got a borewell drilled in my site in december 2012. My site is around 500 meters from a lake. I got the drilling done using a gas drilling machine and hit water source at 65-70 ft…

Need details to setup a mineral water plant close to a river


We are  going to start a mineral water plant in Kerala. We need some help from experts. We are going to setup our plant near a river. We want to know the legal formalities that need…

Need contacts of prominent NGOs working in water sector in India


I would like to have a list of NGOs working in the water sector (safe drinking water, water management and waste water treatment). I will be travelling in India for my research…

Implications of direct harvesting of roof top water into borewell


I want to harvest my roof water directly into my borewell. Will this damage the borewell motor?

What are the implications of having two borewells at a distance of 30 ft.


Water gushed out of our 370ft borewell while neighbors drilled a borewell for about 340 feet. Distance between the borewelsl is just 30 ft.

  1. There is deep muddy water coming…
Need details on water-less urinal & biological-blocks

Meghalaya in general gets 12000+ mm of water through rainfall, nevertheless, scarcity of water is a common issue here. I've recently read many articles on water-less urinals which help in…

Need information about purification and treatment of borewell water


I have dug a borewell at my residence in Mumbai recently. I would like to get information about the methods along with costing that could be used for purification and treatment of…

What could be the optimal charge of water supply and wastewater treatment in apartments?

With the growing satellite living and need to meet the domestic water and wastewater demand and compliance respectively, what could be the optimal charge of water supply and wastewater treatment…

Is this borewell water fit for domestic use?


We have taken a sample from the borewell and got it tested. The following are the details from the report. Please advice if this water can be used for…

Need temperature data of west Tripura from 1990-2002


I need the data on daily/monthly temperature of west Tripura for the period 1990-2002. for my project and thesis work.

Please share this data in case you have access to it.

Drip irrigation related advice


I need advice for installing a good & efficient drip irrigation system and the subsidies from the State (Kerala) and Central government for this.

How to treat my borewell water for drinking purpose?



Water sample test report for a sample taken from the borewell



Need recommendation for a good TDS meter


Can any one recommend  a reputed brand/company for TDS meter?  I would like to buy it for checking the TDS level of my RO system. I am not sure which one to buy since a lot of them are…

How can I identify groundwater points to drill a borewell


How can I identify groundwater points/location for drilling borewell; I dug a …

Regarding silt deposit in the borewell


Our borewell and the neighbours borewell are interconnected. Thys cleaned their borewe yesterday due to which our borewell is filled with silt. Our borewell is 1000 ft deep and the silt…

Can I dig a bore well in my parking area which has roof top of 10 - 12 feet.


Please let me know what is best way to dig a bore well in my parking area which has a roof clearance of 10-12 feet. We have a bore well which is 450 feet depth but it takes a long time…

Need suggestions to increase the yield of borewell


Bore water pump is taking about double the time it used to in the months of Jan and Feb 2013. What could be the problem and what is the best way to get back to normal.
