Need help to pull up a motor stuck in a borewell at a height of 245 ft .


I have a borewell at a depth of 245 ft. Recently, when we tried to insert the motor deeper in the borewell to fetch water, it stopped functioning. Upon enquiring a mechanic he…

Regarding the membrane material in Bio reactor


What is the material of the membrane in a membrane bio reactor?
Is there a possibility of using Polyurethane?

Regarding membrane (DOW) cleaning of 2 kl plant


We find some sand particals in the membrane of our 2 kl plant because of which there was a fall down in the plant recovery.

Is there a way in which the sand particals can be…

Need specifications for setting up a Drinking water plant


I wish to set a plant for packed drinking water in Sangli. I need information on required machines and equipments, plant layout, raw materials needed ,cost of project, any subsidy by…

Regarding re-digging the existing borewell


I had dug a borewell last year to a depth of 650ft, and could not find water so stopped further digging. But later the next day we noticed a raise in water when we inserted a rod inside…

Need help in identifying points for digging borewell in Bhubaneswar


I have a house in Bhubaneswar near Khandagiri. I want to dig a borewell but am not aware how to locate a good water resource point. Please help me with the contacts of any organisation…

Require surface water quality data for Rajkot district, Gujarat


I am currently working on a project titled "Impact of urbanization on water resources in Rajkot district of Gujarat state " for my thesis. I need the data of surface water quality of…

Need access to meteorological dataset


The meteorological dataset from 1901-2002, is quite useful. As we were trying to access the data, we found that suddenly the link (Launch the application) is not working. Can you…

Data on water consumption by Industries


I need10 years data on annual water consumption by some industries in any sector. Please help

Details of water consumption in Mumbai


I am a freelance journalist and I would like to know:

  • The amount of water consumed by Mumbai for domestic purposes in the past year (2012).
  • How much water goes to…
Need details to start RO plant


I am from Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. I want to start RO plant. I need information on costing and also the procedures that need to be followed to set up the plant. Please advise

Need inputs for increasing stability of a large open well in weathered laterite stone


I have recently dug an open well in North Konkan - Raigad District. Raigad is not known for Laterite formation, however my area has very large laterite formation - upto 80 feet deep…

What is wet day frequency?

What is meant by 'wet day frequency'? How can it be measured? Does it have any relation with rainfall?

Need help in developing a model with rainfall data of Pondicherry


I have rainfall data for Pondichery. I need to make a model with rainfall as a dependent…

Please suggest water filter for borewell water in Palghar, Maharashtra


I am having a borewell at Tarapur, Palghar, Maharashtra. Following is the test result of borewell water. Please suggest suitable and economical water filter one for drinking water…

How to approach the water problem in Sarjapur road, Bangalore?


I am residing at Tulasi layout, Kasavanahalli off Sarjapur road in Bangalore. The area lacks…

Need waterpump details for borewell


I have a 4.5 inch borewell of 300 feet depth. The yield is very poor. But still I need water for my domestic use only. Will you please suggest the type of waterpump that I should go…

Need solution to stop sand sliding into the casing of borewell


A year ago I drilled a borewell, got 1.5 inches of water,  it was working fine. This summer it started giving less water and sometimes brownish water. When I checked the casing…

Need suggestions to vary MLSS concentration in a lab scale SBR


I am doing my M.Tech project using a lab scale SBR. I need to vary MLSS concentration in order to find its effect on degradation of the effluent. Can anyone help me with the procedure to…

Need help in cleaning well water


We have an open well in our house and want to clea the well by removing the water as it has got mixed with drain water. Please suggest people who can help us with this
