Is it advisable to pump borewell water into the sump first and then to OHT to avoid tiny particle deposition?


Presently I am having a borewell and I am pumping the water from it to the over head tank (OHT) directly. Off late I am feeling that tiny particles are getting deposited in the OHT which is causing some problems in toilet flushing. Also the hardness level is high in the borewell water which I want to reduce to optimum level.

I enquired with my friend and he advised to pump the borewell water to a sump first and then to the OHT. He asked me to lay a sand filter with 6" 40 mm jelly, 6" 20mm jelly, 6" 12mm jelly and 9" fine sand and advised to pump borewell water in to that filter and give the outlet to the sump. By this way both the hardness  and the filtration problem will get solved.

Though my friend's advise seems to be good, I need your expert opinion since you are the professionals.

Kindly comment on the above and let me know if you have any better suggestions. 
