How to re-drill a bore in the basement with a height of 10-12 ft?


We had a borwell in our apartment which is  roughly 400 feet deep. Sometime back there was some problem with the borewell motor and it was taken out for repair work. While doing so they also removed the flexible pipe inserted in the borewell. It was left in the same condition for a month or so.

Unfortunately, the borewell got closed due to land drift/ slide.  

Now the issue is we need to re drill the bore. However the residents of the apartment feel that it may weaken the foundation structure of the apartment. Also the other challenge is the bore is in the basement next to car paking which has a ceiling at a height of 10 -12 feet from the ground level.  Hence any digging machine canot be positioned to redrill the existing bore. Is there a way where we can redrill the bore with rigs which could be accomodated in the height specified.

Need some suggestion



