Need details on certifications required for setting up a drinking water plant
I would like to start a drinking water plant. I want to know if it is…
Can drinking water line pass through a sewage chamber?


Recently BWSSB has constructed a sewage chamber over cauvery water supply line in my area. The pipe is around 1 ft from the bottom of chamber. I am not sure if water supply lines can…

Need data on the content of TDS in various sources of water in India


I am trying to understand what is the content of TDS in various sources of water in India. I am looking for the TDS content in seawater, in surface water and in borewell water in…

Minimum distance to be maintained between a borewell and a sinkwell


We are planning to drill a borewell in my plot. We already have a sinkwell though. What is the distance that needs to be maintained between the sinkwell and the borewell. please…

What factors (social, economic and environmental) represent success/failure of a water management initiative such as a watershed, check dam, tank or a bore-well?


As a part of my research, I would like to asses the impact of a water management/restoration intervention/program/concept. I need to list all the social, economic and environmental…

Borewell water tastes bad


I have dug a borewell 10 days ago in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh to a depth of 45 meters. A submersible pump has been fixed at 44 meters which is run for half an hour every day. The…

Need suggestions to address the issue of high iron content in bore water


I have been using bore water in my house.The iron content seems to be pretty high.The color of the water is also slightly muddy and smells awful. When we store the water in a bucket for…

Need suggestions for setting up a packaged drinking water plant


I want to setup a packged drinking water plant in Gulbarga, Karnataka. I already have a borewell and also a plot of land in an industrial area measuring 30x50 (1500 sq. fit).

Need suggestions for choosing the right water purifier


The TDS level in my drinking water is 200. Please suggest if I should go for a UV or RO system of purification.

Thanks in advance.

Robins Kr.


Open well or bore well? Which is better for a house construction?


We will soon start our house construction. Before that we need a source of water. Currently ground water is available here at a depth of 30 feet. Should we dig an open well or borewell?…

Need tips for measurement of drilling work of a borewell


How should one measure drilling of a borewell for billing in a site?

Things to be kept in mind regarding borewell installation


I am working for a company as a site engineer and I have been asked to inspect borewell installation in the site.

I would like to know the steps that I need to take before the…

Need suggestions on filters for treating yellow water


We are using water from a borewell. The water is yellow. We are using mega filter to clean this water. This is a very cumbersome process as it needs to be cleaned up every day. Is there…

Request data source for citation


I recently downloaded temperature, rainfall and humidity data for Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu from your portal for my MSc thesis for the University of Edinburgh.

I need exact…

Need costing details to set up a mineral water plant


Please share the approximate cost required to set up a 2000 lph mineral water plant in  Bihar

Thank You…

Need costing details to set up a mineral water plant


Please share the approximate cost required to set up a 2000 lph mineral water plant in Darbhanga, Bihar


Need contacts of organisations that can help dispose off treated wastewater


We live in Bangalore. We have a peculiar problem in our apartment complex where we have STP but no plumbing required to reuse the treated water. Laying out the required plumbing is a…

Share experiences related to rainwater harvesting and its reuse in households and farm ponds


At Green Foundation, we are working with rural poor farmers, in the area of sustainable agriculture. GF has carried out pioneering work in the area of bio-iversity preservation, in…

Legal pre-requisites to start RO water purification unit without packaging or bottling


I am planning to start a RO water purification unit of medium capacity (less than 2000 ltrs per day). Initially I am not planning to go a big way i.e., I am not planning to to set up…

What are the acceptable limits of water quality parameters for construction purpose


In view of our proposed construction, we are interested in knowing construction water quality parameters with acceptable limits (eg. pH, hardness,TDS etc.)
