What is the amount of Sodium Hypochlorite solution to be mixed with raw water to achieve a chlorination of 0.2ppm?


We live in an apartment complex with 2 blocks. Each block has two sump tanks into which the water from borewells at our premises, Bangalore water supply water, external tanker water is let in. From the sump tanks the water is pumped up to overhead tanks for use by the apartment residents

Because of the multiple water sources we have a concern about the quality of water in terms of presence of harmful bacteria.

As the apartment association does not have much funds, we felt that a simple solution such as buying Sodium hypochlorite from a standard supplier, mixing the same with raw water can solve the problem to some extent. But we do not know the correct quantities and also the fact that our security personnel will do this job.

In the first block the sump capacity is approx 48K litres and overhead capacity is 40K litres. In the second block the sump capacity is 28K litres and overhead capacity is 23K litres.

Please suggest a simple manual method which can be carried out easily


