Rainwater harvesting in Bangalore - Article from Countercurrents
It's not yet full blown summer and Bangalore and India is already reeling from lack of fresh water.
MoEF reconsitutes the National Coastal Zone Management Authority
Whereas by an order of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests number S. O. 1268 (E), dated the 19th May, 2009..
Coping with disasters - Himal Southasian Magazine March 2011 special issue
This March 2011 issue of Himal looks at what we in Southasia know we can change - and what we cannot.
India’s water sector: The performance and challenges – A presentation by Himanshu Thakker of SANDRP
This presentation deals with performance of India’s water sector and the challenges therein.
Tippy tap wins the "2011 DoGooder Nonprofit Video Award" for best thrifty video
A powerful video promoting handwashing with a simple tippy tap has won the 2011 DoGooder Nonprofit Video Award for Best Thrifty Video.
Why we cannot keep silent : Women speak out for rivers
How do women feel when their rivers are dammed, their forests and villages submerged?
National mission for a green India - Presentation to the PM's council on climate change - Latest update from the MoEF
The National Mission for a Green India team prepared and processed the draft document which was put on website for comments on 23rd May 2010.
Harvest of Grief: A film by Rasil Basu and Ekatra Production that explores the severe agricultural crisis in Punjab
The north Indian state of Punjab was once a land of plenty, considered the breadbasket of the nation.
43 projects sanctioned under Mission Clean Ganga - MoEF press release
National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) is an empowered planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating authority for the Ganga River
Narmada: Land at last - Video Volunteers
113 tribal families are rehabilitated after 30 years of struggle against the dam project in Chirodh.
A video by Centre of Excellence for Change on the occasion of World Water Day
On the occasion of the World Water Day 2011, it gives me pleasure to attach a Video presentation made by fellow water officials of Tamil Nadu as an IEC tool.
Fate of Pune’s rivers: Presentation by Sarang Yadvadkar
None of the rivers that flow through Indian cities have even bathing quality water and Pollution Control Boards do not have a single success story of river revival to share.
Estimating the investment requirements for urban infrastructure services – Report of the High Powered Expert Committee (HPEC)
The report documents the nature of the urbanisation challenges facing India. Its central message is that urbanisation is not an option.
Handbook of fisheries and aquaculture - New book released by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Fisheries not only contribute to nutritional security but also provide employment and livelihood to millions of people.
Photo essay for Water Day 2011
"Rural household saving water at home" and many more by Anil Gulati
Allocation, release and utilization of funds for safe drinking water in rural and tribal areas under NRDWP for the last three years - PIB release
As per the latest information available from the NSSO 65th Round 2008-09 Survey, more than 90% of the rural households have access to drinking water from protected sources.
High fluoride incidence in groundwater and its potential health effects in parts of Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh – A paper in Current Science
This paper from Current Science deals with the potential health impacts of high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water in parts of Raigarh district.