Fate of Pune’s rivers: Presentation by Sarang Yadvadkar

Fate of Pune’s Rivers

Rajendra Singh, leading rally opposing the River Navigation Plan and channelisation of rivers in Pune
Image with thanks from: PuneMirror.in

Many problems plague our rivers today, from inefficient governance, urban apathy, dearth of affordable sewage treatment technologies, to alienation of communities from their life lines.  New entrants and supposed panacea to urban river problems are river beautification or riverfront development projects. They cost big money and need big time. And, they also need big water. Like the ambitious Sabarmati Riverfront project which gets its water from the dammed Narmada.

A river restoration and navigation project is being planned in Pune and before it is formally accepted, it seems that it is receiving special favors from the Pune Municipal Corporation. Pune massively pollutes its rivers, with more than 744 million liters of sewage generated per day, out of which barely 30% is treated. Rather than focusing strongly on river restoration and pollution control, this project, which is said to receive funds earmarked by JNNURM for river restoration, is focusing more on Navigation. The works, which include large scale channelisation of the river, seem to be at cross purposes with restoration.

In a strong presentation, architect and environmentalist Sarang Yadvadkar critiques this proposed plan for Pune’s rivers and analyses its impacts on water supply, river ecology and transportation. 

Download the presentation

Post By: abhishek.r