Steps to create awareness about rainwater harvesting and encouragement to states for implementation of rainwater harvesting projects - PIB release
The Parliament has been informed that the mean annual rainfall is 1,170 mm with wide regional variation.
A map of World Water Day 2011 events across India
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International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March to focus attention on the importance of freshwater
Water management is necessary to harness India's monsoon - Need to relearn ancient methods too - Interview with Ranjan Panda, Water Initiatives Orissa
With considerable experience at the grassroots and at macro levels, Ranjan Panda drought-proofs perennially drought-prone areas in Orissa.
Aerobic systems : A unique system of sewage treatment in septic tanks
With the fast paced development of urban areas and its spread, the municipalities are unable to provide either sewer lines or proper treatment of the sewage.
CIC orders CWC to disclose the Almatti backwater study under RTI in public interest - Press release by SANDRP
Central Information Commission (CIC) rejects Central Water Comission (CWC) stand on keeping the backwater level study secret, orders CWC to disclose the Almatti study in public interest
Supreme court judgement on common lands - Jagpal Singh versus State of Punjab (2011) - Guest post by Subbarao Prabhala
This Supreme Court judgement on common lands, is important for preservation of water bodies and 'lung spaces'
Review needed on Krishna Water Tribunal analysis on Alamatti Dam to save the farmers from dangerous consequences
Computer calculations on the damaging impacts of raising Alamatti Dam indicate the potential to kill lakhs of people of Maharashtra, karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Activists arrested while protesting against dams on the river Mandakini - Press release by the MATU Jan Sangathan
Demonstrations and protests against the Singoli- Bhatwadi and Phata- Bhyung projects in Uttarakhand have been going on for many years.
Groundwater Information System - Data on groundwater quality and level for all states of India from 2005-09 from the Central Groundwater Board
This data application developed by the Central Groundwater Board provides groundwater level and quality information for all states of India, for the years 2005-09.
Understand water conflicts around India with the help of Google Maps - Water Conflicts Forum
This is a very modest first attempt by the Forum to spatially locate the important conflicts around water in India with the help of Google maps.
MoEF must stop canals in irrigated villages of Narmada valley - NAPM Press Release
NAPM expresses its anguish at the destruction of well-irrigated lands in the Nimad region of the Narmada valley due to the Indira Sagar and Omkareshwar canals,
A book review of "Convenient Action- Gujarat s Response to Challenges of Climate Change " , written by Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi has written a book entitled "Convenient Action - Gujarat's Response to Challenges of Climate Change" which was released by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,
POSCO unplugged - Villagers of Jagatsinghpur, Odisha, have no choice
Sayantan Bera travels to Jagatsinghpur in Odisha to find that villagers labeled ‘pro’ POSCO do not have a choice otherwise
Proposed dumping site threatens water source - Video Volunteers
Chennai's main drinking water source will be affected if a proposed dumping site is built
Ancient, traditional water and agricultural management systems - A collection of papers from the national seminar on water and culture, organised at Hampi, by Sahayoga and Kannada University (2007)
Integrating traditional techniques with modern practices for those working towards providing sustainable access to water and food, for all common citizens.
Sethusamudram channel project - An epoch making event - Paper presented at the National Seminar on Water and Culture (2007)
This paper discusses the Sethusamudram project which is an attempt to make a shipping canal between Sri Lanka and India.
Study of ancient water storage systems on forts in Nashik district of Maharashtra - Paper presented at the National Seminar on Water and Culture (2007)
Adapting ancient understanding of water collection, storage, supply and distribution in forts to present day urban needs.