Present status of interlinking of rivers project - Press Information Bureau release
Feasibility reports of 14 links under Peninsular Component and 2 links (Indian Portion) under Himalayan Component have been completed.
River schools can make the future look bright - Parineeta Dandekar
Of all the positive elements and assets, the most important ally of our environment is the future generation.
"Civil society groups to do NREGA audit again"
MGNREGS news updates compiled by FES (1 - 15 February 2011)
Budget 2011-12 Analysis: Times of 'tough love' - Devinder Sharma
In 2010-11, Rs 5.02 lakh crore was provided by way of tax exemptions to industry. This is nothing but a subsidy for the rich.
Landmark initiative of Karnataka High Court stops the destruction and degeneration of lakes of Bangalore - ESG press release
Over 400 lakes to be immediately protected and rehabilitated in an ecologically wise and socially just manner spread over 1200 sq km of Bangalore urban region.
Cremation customs pollute Ganges river - Video Volunteers
The Ganga in Allahabad is being polluted by the tradition of immersing cremated corpses
25 years of the Narmada struggle - Ordinary people, extraordinary movement
A slideshow by National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
Channels of change - Down to Earth
Two villages in Uttar Pradesh have reversed the trend of migration by digging six kilometres of channels to bring water to drought-hit farms.
Lakes of Mahadevpura constituency of Bengaluru: Current status, changes in distribution and recommendations for restoration - A report by ATREE (2011)
This report is based on a survey of the lakes dating back to the 9th century AD in Mahadevpura constituency of Bengaluru.
Social impact assessment of resettlement & rehabilitation policies and packages in India - Report of a research project by Centre for Social Development
This report is the outcome of a research project by the Centre for Social Development (CSD) for the Department of Land Resources (DoLR).
Co-processing of distillery spent wash concentrate in cement industry – Inviting comments on the draft guidelines by the Central Pollution Control Board (2010)
Co-processing of wastes in cement kiln has emerged as an environment friendly alternative disposal method in the recent years.
Canacona flash floods (2009): Reports submitted by the National Institute of Oceanography to the Government of Goa
These reports deal with the damage caused by the Canacona flash floods of October 2, 2009.
Socio-economic implications of depleting groundwater resource in Punjab: A comparative analysis of different irrigation systems - An EPW paper
This article in the Economic and Political Weekly is based on a comparative analysis of different irrigation systems.
Robert Chambers speaks about health, nutrition, sanitation and CLTS at the International Development Select Committee on the future of DFID's programme in India
On the 8th February 2010, Robert Chambers gave evidence at the International Development Select Committee on UK Aid to India
Kerala's bill to penalise Coke - Relief and compensation for Plachimada factory victims
The Kerala government's decision to bring in a bill: Plachimada Coca-Cola Victims — Relief and Compensation Claims Special Tribunal in the State Assembly yesterday is certainly an epic decision.
Temple fish sanctuaries: Last bastions of native fish and pristine river stretches - A report
Native freshwater fish in India are declining rapidly, due to destruction of habitats through hydrological modifications, pollution and unsustainable fishing practices.
Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2011: Not the end of the road - An EPW paper
This article shows how the recent Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification 2011 fails to meet the demands of the fishing community and environmentalist groups.
Open letter to Jairam Ramesh on POSCO project approval from the Mining Zone People's Solidarity Group
We are writing to publicly challenge your shocking decision to grant a “conditional” and yet also “final” approval to the POSCO project..
Alkaline soils: Characteristics and treatment - Ramnaresh
क्षारीय मृदाओं में विनियम योग्य सोडियम की मात्रा अधिक होती है, जिससे पौधों की बढ़वार में बाधा पहुंचती है।
Water consumption by forests - Chetan Pandit
I had asked a question about estimates of water consumption by forests, and this was published in IWP on 11February.