Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Invite to the ' Environment and Wildlife Film Festival and Forum', CMS Vatavaran, New Delhi
The theme for the festival is mainstreaming biodiversity conservation at different levels to promote living in harmony with nature.
Posted on 13 Nov, 2013 08:18 AM

For more information on the festival, please click here.

To view the entries for the film festival, click here

To register for the same, click here.

CMS Vatavaran
Invitation to International conference on 'Addressing Poverty and Vulnerability in the Hindu Kush Himalayas', ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal
The conference will bring together stakeholders from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region and beyond to foster regional partnerships for transformative change.
Posted on 30 Oct, 2013 06:57 PM

For more information on the organisers, ICIMOD, please click here.

Details of the conference may be viewed here.

For programme details, click here.

Applications invited for 'Boot Camp: Covering India', Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
An orientation on the environment development debate bogging the Indian polity, with field visit to experience and report on the eco restoration work being done at the grassroots
Posted on 13 Sep, 2013 04:33 PM

For more information on the boot camp, please click here.

To apply for the same, fill the registration form online here.

Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Free course on 'Climate Change Reporting ', Thomson Reuters Foundation, New Delhi, September 30 - October 4, 2013
A course for journalists to improve their skills in simplifying the language of climate jargon, to understand climate mitigation and accurately portray effect of climate change on weather patterns.
Posted on 12 Sep, 2013 11:53 AM

For more information on the week long course, please click here.

To apply for the course, please click here.

Ingenious system to manage sewage in Kolkata
Fisher folk of the East Kolkata Wetlands use sewage from the city’s lakes to rear fish. Watch an interview of the person who popularized this system that the locals invented years ago. Posted on 11 Sep, 2013 08:48 PM

They take your pain and give you what you need. They will absorb the excess showers that our cities can’t handle and replenish water underground when our taps run dry. Often underestimated, these shallow water bodies are also home to countless life forms and serve as winter destinations for distant migratory birds. Blame me for being philosophical but I equate wetlands to mothers.

Fishermen use wastewater of Kolkata to rear fish
The Water Catchers
The book is a must-read for children to help them understand the importance of water conservation. Bhairavi Parekh, the author, shares her experience on writing the book and on water. Posted on 23 Aug, 2013 09:58 PM

'The Water Catchers’ is a story of an unlikely hero, an unassuming boy living in the concrete, water-deprived city of Mumbai. The boy named Chintu, has a simple wish - to find water in the village called Tintodan of his forefathers.

A children's book on water Source-Clker
Go organic and triple your profits
Twenty years of hard work and devotion has made Kalaivani from Vellitiruppur, Tamil Nadu a celebrity of sorts in the organic farming circles in Erode district and beyond. Posted on 20 Aug, 2013 07:15 PM

Kalaivani, a single mother of three, took to farming after the loss of her husband almost two decades ago. Since then, she has grown all the crops on her farm without using chemical or synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. Over the last few years, she has focused her time and energy in growing organic cotton. 

Cotton picking in progress at Kalaivani's farm (Source: Seetha Gopalakrishnan, IWP)
An organic manure factory for Rs. 800 only
An innovative idea by a farmer in Chennimalai, Tamil Nadu lets farmers create their own liquid manure out of the cow dung and urine available in their own farms. Posted on 19 Aug, 2013 01:22 PM

Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential for plant growth – that is common knowledge for farmers. Cow dung contains nitrogen – that is also common knowledge for farmers. Then why is it that many farmers look for costly solutions rather than use the abundant cow dung they have in their farms as manure? Luckily, one farmer did think of this.

Alagesan with the barrel used to ferment cow dung
Film: Konkanchi Mega Vaat (Mega 'Vaat' in the Konkan)
The proposed power projects in the Konkan region of Maharashtra have gravely affected people's livelihoods and their drinking water. Why aren't these plants being shut down? Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 06:02 PM

24 power projects are being proposed in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, which has the second highest biodiversity in India. The 9900 megawatt (MW) nuclear power project at Jaitapur is also included in this list of projects. If sanctioned, it could be the largest nuclear power generating plant in the world.

Alphonso mango trees in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Angioplasty for groundwater or a heart attack waiting to happen?
The Maharashtra Govt plans to invest Rs. 800 crore to extend the 'Shirpur Model' of groundwater recharge across the state. Is it recharge or withdrawal that this model promotes? Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 10:38 AM

“What is in a name? That which we call a rose, would smell as sweet by any other”, goes the line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. There is quite a lot in a name, Juliet, especially if attaching the wrong terminology to a process is used to appropriate public funds - Rs. 800 crores, in fact.

Shirpur, Maharashtra of the 'Shirpur Model' fame