The Water Catchers

A children's book on water Source-Clker
A children's book on water Source-Clker

'The Water Catchers’ is a story of an unlikely hero, an unassuming boy living in the concrete, water-deprived city of Mumbai. The boy named Chintu, has a simple wish - to find water in the village called Tintodan of his forefathers.

Enthralled by his grandfather’s stories, Chintu decides to act and do something about his ancestral village, where water is still scarce.

His adventure begins in the tight streets of chaotic Mumbai, a city that overflows with lost water and lost people, and moves to a tiny village, Tintodan in Gujarat, where each precious drop of water must be caught and savoured.

But before he can save his village, he has to fight the local bullies, win an inter-school conservation competition and learn to stand up for what he believes in.

In the mad pursuit of his dreams, he gets mixed up with half-forgotten prophecies, magical water diviners and wonderful adventures. As he zips in and out of lost promises and unkept vows while racing against time, the mystery of water unfolds little by little.

Anupam Mishra, an environmentalist & water conservationist, also features in this story. Slowly Chintu begins to view water not merely as a need or as a commodity but a living, thriving being that deserves his respect and gratitude.

It is a magical tale of how water touches our lives and binds each one of us with an invisible, unbreakable blue silken thread.

Is Chintu able to solve the mystery and save his village?

Pick up the book and propel yourself into this mad water adventure that sometimes flows serenely and more often than not, at a furious pace!

The Water Catchers-Trailer ( Hachette India)

Bhairavi Parekh, Source:The Water Catchers page


About the author

Bhairavi is a first time novelist who grew up in London and now lives in Mumbai. She works in the areas of Language Training and Education. 


An over the phone, tete-e tete with the author

How did you end up writing a story ?

As a child I had accompanied my parents to a 'Chaya Shastri', who besides doing a reading for my parents had predicted that one day I would write a book!  So I guess, I have always known that I have a story to tell, and finally now have an audience too! 

Why write on water, and that too for children?

For me it was very important that I write on the rural urban divide that exists today, and how water shortage is an issue that straddles both these equally. I think it is essential that our children are aware of our roots and our traditions, and water to me seemed the right connect.

 Is Chintu a completely fictional character or does he hold traits of people you know?

The name Chintu, has popped up in my life on a regular surprise basis and today I think of it as my mascot. One of the first language programme on educational services that I created was named 'Chintu' and today my daughter is married to Chintan (aka Chintu) !

Any interesting people you met on your water quest?

The amazing people that I met or talked to, right from Rohini Nilekani, Anupamji, Vandana Shiva and Rajender Singh - there is enough fodder for yet another book there!

Can we look forward to another 'Chintu' sequel ?

I wish I had a straightforward answer to this question....The possibility is there, but like the essence of my book, I believe in doing the best I can and letting the rest happen at its own time and pace....
