Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Sparkle in the mountains: The indigenous 'Hydroger'
Villages of Nagaland that aren't connected to the electricity grid have been given hope by a new source of power. Posted on 04 Sep, 2014 10:50 PM

It is a labour of love. For 10 years, the team at Nagaland Empowerment of People through Economic Development (NEPeD) held this experiment close to their hearts- a daunting task that is lighting up lives in far-off villages in the mountains of Nagaland today. The hydroger has made way for many to diversify their income through new activities and reduced women’s day-to-day drudgery.

Hydroger machine at Logwesunyu village, Nagaland
Zabo: The art of impounding water
Kikruma in Nagaland has its own system of water harvesting. Watch a farmer explain this unique method called Zabo, which helps manage water while nurturing the soil and optimizing agriculture. Posted on 06 Aug, 2014 01:37 PM

Located at an altitude of 1270 metres , Kikruma, a quaint village nestled in a rainshadowed area of Phek district of Nagaland is a wonder. Centuries ago, the village evolved a self-organizing system to take care of its water, forest and farm management. ‘Zabo’, which means 'impounding water', is an ingenious method of catching rainwater from running off the mountains.

Ponds as reservoirs for paddy fields located below
Ripples of Sukhomajri
Sukhomajri village, the model of watershed development, is today a witness to man's changing priorities which is separating him from his environment. The video tells the full story. Posted on 25 Jul, 2014 11:46 AM
Sukhomajri village has long been a reminder of people's participation in ecological preservation and in turn, greater economic good.
The main irrigation tank at Sukhomajri
Doomed by displacement
The Hirakud dam in Odisha was supposed to control flooding and bring people water and power. Instead, it has taken away their livelihoods and only brought them hardship and misery. Posted on 11 Jun, 2014 09:07 PM

The Hirakud Dam project is the oldest of its kind in India. The dam was built across the Mahanadi river about 15 kms upstream of Sambalpur in the state of Odisha. It is the first major multipurpose river valley project in post-independent India and also one of its longest.

Hirakud, India's oldest dam
Simple ways to achieve water sufficiency
Rainwater harvesting is the easiest way to address the growing water scarcity that we are facing. Read on to find out what you can do at your home, office or apartment community. Posted on 27 May, 2014 09:18 PM

Fresh water found on land has only two primary sources - melting of ice, and rain. Harvesting rain is crucial for sustaining both the surface and sub-soil water sources.

Recharge well constructed in Chennai
Open Happiness' or open a can of worms?
Nandlal Master has been waging a decade-long struggle against the many injustices carried out by the Coca Cola factory in Mehdiganj, Uttar Pradesh. Listen to his story. Posted on 16 May, 2014 08:11 PM

1999 was an interesting real estate year for Mehdiganj village in Uttar Pradesh. Someone began buying up land adjoining a soft drink factory owned by the Parle Company. They also began buying land from the farmers except the farmers had no idea as to whom they were selling the land to. As the boundary wall rose up, problems arose too.

Nandlal Master - fighting Coca Cola since 2002
Bihar's great walls of destruction
In this video, Dr. Dinesh Mishra explains why Bihar is so vulnerable to flooding and more importantly, why structural measures (embankments) have caused more harm than good. Posted on 07 May, 2014 10:49 PM

Born out of the sea, the Ganga basin is a playground of the rivers coming down from the Himalayas. Floods are not a new thing in Bihar, a state in the lap of these flood plains. For centuries, the people here have lived with these waters, with the floods washing away their lands once a year, slowly, leaving behind a blanket of rich and fertile silt.

Once rice fields, now filled with sand (Jul 2012)
From farming to fishing: The journey of the tribals of Dhimbe
The many tribals who were displaced by the Dhimbe dam lost their land but not their livelihoods. They took up cage fish farming and figured out an alternate form of cultivation. Posted on 04 May, 2014 09:10 PM

Dimbhe dam is located near the tourist spot of Bhimashankar in Maharashtra. With a capacity of 13.5 million cubic meters, the dam displaced 1253 families, submerged 11 villages and partiallly affected another 13 villages when it was completed in 2000.

Cage farming at Dhimbe dam, Maharashtra
Call for Entries for the 'Quotes from the Earth' Environmental Film Festival 2014, Toxics Link & India International Centre, New Delhi
This is the call of the entries for the films/documentaries/animations on the broader theme of environment like Earth, Water, Wildlife, Climate Change, Mining, Forest, Environmental Justice.
Posted on 11 Apr, 2014 04:09 PM

Get more information on 'Quotes from the Earth'.

Know more about Toxics Link and India International Centre

South Sikkim adapts to climate change
Climate change is causing heavy, brief rain spells in many parts of the world. Rain-shadowed South Sikkim is bearing the brunt of it in Northeast India. The video shows how the people are adapting. Posted on 02 Apr, 2014 12:11 AM

Climate change poses a threat to all. Be it forests, water or agriculture- it affects everything. India's Northeast, particularly, has witnessed a great deal of this impact. Sikkim, the physical bridge between the Northeast and mainland India, is also bearing the brunt of climate change in a myriad ways with agriculture and water bearing the most pronounced repercussions.

Climate change affects agriculture