Video, Audio and other Multimedia

Videos: Resurgence of the ahar pynes - Magadh Jal Jamaat helps revive 2000-year old flood water harvesting systems in Gaya, Bihar
A success story on the domino effect created due to revival of a pond in Gaya, Bihar that led to the resurgence of ahar pynes, the traditional water harvesting systems in the region. Posted on 13 Feb, 2013 10:34 AM

Magadh Jal Jamaat, a loose network of progressive individuals in Gaya has been successfully able to revive over a dozen abandoned water sources and have instilled in people the need to create, clean up and conserve several lakes and ponds in the region. 

The tragic tale of toxic Jadugoda: Videos documenting the devastating effects of uranium mining in Jharkhand
Jadugoda, Jharkhand, has the distinction of being India’s only underground mine for uranium. his coveted uranium, however, comes at a huge price for the local inhabitants in the area. Villagers in the proximity of these mines suffer from the ill effects of this toxic substance and face major health problems. These videos highlight the stark reality of our so called ‘progress’: the plight and the health and safety issues of the tribals in this area. Posted on 12 Feb, 2013 08:11 AM

The rich treasure of uranium in this belt turns toxic for the ‘adivasis’, engulfing them in severe health and safety issues

A shocking story of ‘Toxic neglect’ (Source of video: womenaloudindia)

Green islands amongst Mumbai’s brick and mortar: A video about some amazing work done by local citizens in setting up community gardens within the city
Lush green spaces thrive in the heart of Mumbai, thanks to a green initiative ‘ Urban Leaves’ that provides information and knowledge to the local community to reconnect with nature. Individuals, friends and families – all eager learners pledge their time and energy, come soil their hands and grow organic greens together. Posted on 07 Feb, 2013 11:32 AM

Source of video: Urban Leaves

Video: "80% of waste we generate everyday can be recycled": Interview with Vani Murthy, a Bangalore-based citizen activist
In a candid interview with Lakshmi, Vani Murthy speaks on solid waste management practices that we follow at home. About 4500 tons of garbage is produced daily in Bangalore, that ultimately reaches the landfill sites, contaminating soil, water and the environment.
Of the waste that we throw away daily, at least 80% is recyclable. Unfortunately, this hidden resource is lost as part of trash thrown away. Segregation at source will not only effectively reduce the burden on the overflowing landfills, but also help in pollution control.
Posted on 06 Feb, 2013 01:19 PM

Source of video: Chai with Lakshmi

Video: Practising high-density micro-organic farming on your roof top - An interview with Mallesh, Purna Organics, Bangalore
Concerned by the growing health issues, Mallesh, an IT professional started Purna Organics in Bangalore. This start up organisation offers the following services: creating awareness about organic farming, helping interested individuals and families in setting gardens in their homes and also provide routine maintenance services. The video shows how families can practise high density micro organic farming in small tubs, with adequate watering and protection from pests. Posted on 05 Feb, 2013 04:46 PM

Source of Video: Chai with Lakshmi

A toilet that loves the environment: A film by the Himalaya Seva Sangh highlighting Uttarakhand's experience with eco-san toilets
This article describes a short film 'Parisar Snehi Shauchalaya' produced by the Himalaya Seva Sangh. This film describes the HSS' experiences with constructing and promoting eco-san toilets in the Pauri-Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Posted on 03 Feb, 2013 03:43 PM

The Himalayas are inhabited by 40 million people, most of whom are dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. The prevalent water scarcity also means a lack of water for sanitation. In this case, both open defecation and conventional sewerage pose a health risk. Conventional toilets not only consume a lot of water, but the effluent also pollutes groundwater.

Meghal river revival in Junagadh, Saurashtra, Gujarat: A documentary
A video documenting the narratives of farmers living in Junagadh,Saurashtra district of Gujarat, who suffered immensely due to excessive use of Meghal River. Posted on 29 Jan, 2013 10:59 PM


A video conversation with CB Ramkumar on "Our native village", a self-sustaining, eco-friendly resort in Bangalore, Karnataka - A webisode on Chai with Lakshmi
A video featuring an eco resort in Bangalore that is self sustaining and environment friendly built with zero waste attitude. Posted on 27 Jan, 2013 10:19 PM

Videos: Lovraj Kumar panel discussion focuses on the challenges to biodiversity conservation, livelihoods and ecological sustainability
The manner in which biodiversity contributes to poverty reduction and development had recently become a subject of heated debate at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CoP-11) at Hyderabad.
As a curtain raiser to this event, SPWD’s Lovraj Kumar panel discussion on 28th September, 2012 at IIC, New Delhi focused on the challenges to biodiversity conservation, livelihoods and ecological sustainability.
Posted on 26 Jan, 2013 04:14 PM

Guest post: Amita Bhaduri

Videos: Appiko movement led by Pandurang Hegde helps protect and conserve flora and fauna of Western Ghats in Sirsi and Shimoga, Karnataka
This video presents a short look at an ongoing initiative - the Appiko movement led by Pandurang Hegde. Posted on 25 Jan, 2013 08:55 PM

The movement with the active involvement of local community works towards the protection of flora and fauna of Western Ghats, in Shimoga and Sirsi regions of Karnataka.
