News and Articles

Findings of Basin Focal Project on the Indo-Gangetic basin
An article on the river Ganges that seems to be dying due to the glacier being endangered by human impact Posted on 02 Dec, 2009 02:34 PM

No! This title isn't mine. I borrowed it from Mahmoud Darwish's literary work of the same name.

Depleting ground water scenario of Udumalpet taluk, Tiruppur, TN
Depleting Ground Water Scenario of Udumalpet Taluk(2009) is a paper by TS Badrinarayanan, a geoscientist with B Square Geo-tech services. Posted on 01 Dec, 2009 04:18 PM

Udumalpet taluk comes under Tiruppur district, a recently formed district of Tamilnadu previously under Coimbatore district. Udumalpet is the headquarters of Udumalpet taluk and popularly known as” Poor man’s Ooty” due to its cool climatic conditions. 

"Wayside Chapel" or "Water Closet" ? - A funny story
A story about the "WC" as meant by a British woman intending to travel to India, and as understood by her probable Indian host. Posted on 27 Nov, 2009 04:37 AM

The special track on Sanitation today was the best part of the whole series of sessions. Insightful and sometimes funny, like this one. Here is a story about the "WC" as meant by a british woman intending to travel to india, and as understood by her probable indian host.

Recommendations of the Working Group meeting on technological issues related to groundwater - Day 2
The Working Group Meeting setup for the day, arrived at its list of technological issues to be addressed, and their recommendations Posted on 26 Nov, 2009 03:32 AM

Attending today's technology sessions, I couldn't help thinking about what Carl Sagan once remarked about science and technology. He noted,

Recommendations of Working Group meeting - Planning and implementation issues related to Rain Water Harvesting(RWH)
Issues related to planning and implementation largely concerned with water quality, budgeting and equity. Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 04:12 AM

The issues related to planning and implementation were largely concerned with water quality, budgeting and equity.

The group deemed it necessary that the following are addressed on a greater priority:

  1. Centralized vs. decentralized rainwater harvesting
  2. Water quality aspects in rainwater harvesting system
  3. Water quality management through rainwater harvesting
Recommendations of Working Group meeting on policy issues- Water harvesting issues
Identification of the main issues in water harvesting and its recommendations Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 03:37 AM

Working Group Meetings formed by a panel of experts in the respective field, formed a significant aspect of WHSC Conference. The conference is geared towards effecting a change in the way water resources are governed and managed. Towards this, the working group meeting's recommendations were valuable, and awaited.


Storm water management and artificial recharge - A talk by Dr.S.K.Jain
An interesting talk on 'Storm water management, artificial recharge and improvement in ground water regime' Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 12:16 AM

All these decades from early twentieth century, storm water and artificial recharge of aquifers have seldom been an area of consideration for planners and policy makers. The country appeared to be oblivious to the fact that these too are integral part of the resources that we need to take care of before it starts hitting back at us in our daily lives!

India threatened by flood-drought syndrome, says Mr M.Gopalakrishnan
A talk on policy support issues in basin management that compares small scale water harvesting sytems with large dams , citing how each one of them stand as an answer in different situations Posted on 23 Nov, 2009 02:36 PM



M.Gopalakrishnan speaking on Policy Issues (Photo: Praveena Sridhar)

Images and facts of the ground water situation in India
Groundwater situation in the country discussed along with the variation & changes encountered Posted on 23 Nov, 2009 04:18 AM


Credit: Binay, Business Standard

Sanitation during wars and emergencies
Hygiene and sanitation conditions during wars and emergencies Posted on 20 Nov, 2009 09:03 PM

During conflicts and wars, many die as a consequence of bombings and battles. To the death toll, many more zeroes get added in the days and months to follow! Poor hygiene and sanitation takes several hundred lives in the refugee settlements.
