News and Articles

Bad hydrology and water resources interventions
The Dublin Principles outline the importance of several critical aspects, to be considered while implementing action programs. Posted on 04 Nov, 2009 05:29 AM

Let me describe a scenario which has become typical of my life in the development sector. "They never finish what they start", is the answer that I hear for most of my questions about public water supply projects (also for many other infrastructure projects), in most parts of India.

Termite mounds as hydrologic indicators - Case studies from three taluks of Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu
This paper describes termite mounds as useful indicators for groundwater exploration Posted on 03 Nov, 2009 07:05 PM

This paper describes the findings of a study that was conducted to validate the findings of earlier studies and observations that have been conducted in ancient texts in India that describe termite mounds as useful indicators for groundwater exploration.

Environmental Public Hearing of the proposed Devsari HEP, on River Pinder, disrupted by angry villagers
Information on the public environmental hearing in Devsari Posted on 03 Nov, 2009 01:19 PM

Public Hearing not Performed in Devsari HEP

{for pics see}
FIR filed against 11 people by name (Vimalbhai, Gabbarsingh etc.) under IPC. 148,332,427,436,504
Agitation is continue in Deval

On 13th October, 2009 the Environmental Public Hearing (PH) of the proposed Devsari HEP (252 MW) on river Pinder, one of the main tributary of Alaknanda River, District Chamoli, Uttarakhand was organised by Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board amidst growing opposition to the Project from the local vilagers. Satluj Jal Vidhut Co. Ltd., a joint venture of Central Govt. and Himachal State is the project proponent.

History of climate change talks, the UNFCC & COP-15
How we have come to COP-15- in a nutshell Posted on 02 Nov, 2009 08:25 PM


History of Climate Change Talks

Harvest of water - Watershed programs in Maharashtra make the most of the little rains received
Long at the mercy of the monsoons, some Indian farmers are sculpting hillsides to capture runoff, enriching their land and lives. Posted on 02 Nov, 2009 11:23 AM

India Rain

Photograph by Lynsey Addario

Arsenic contamination in ground water of Bihar and its mitigation strategy
An analysis on the arsenic contamination problem in Bihar and the mitigation strategy to be followed Posted on 31 Oct, 2009 09:21 PM

Arsenic contaminated aquifers in a 5 km. wide study belt along the banks of river Ganga, in Patna, Bhojpur, Vaishali and Bhagalpur districts of Bihar, are used for both drinking and irrigation purposes.

Groundwater quality scenario in Karnataka state - Introduction and overview (2004)
Two documents that provide information and details on the groundwater quality scenario in Karnataka. Posted on 30 Oct, 2009 01:04 PM

These two documents, one an introduction document and the other an overview document prepared for the Karnataka Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (KRWSSA) provides information and details on the groundwater quality scenario in Karnataka.

Visakhapatnam shows the way in reducing carbon dioxide emission - Has 100% CFL coverage
Vizag shows the way in reducing carbon dioxide emission-First district in the country to have 100 p.c. coverage of CFL Posted on 30 Oct, 2009 12:53 PM

  Osram has distributed nearly seven lakh energy saving CFL bulbs

It engages self-help groups for collecting the filament bulbs 

News updates - Oct 24 - 29, 2009
News updates from Oct 24-29 Posted on 29 Oct, 2009 04:11 PM


KC canal


Hydrofracturing - A new approach to revitalize bore-wells
This brief examines the various hydrofracturing techniques, principles, equipment involved, procedure and operative processes, as well as performance limitations of the method. Posted on 28 Oct, 2009 05:38 PM

Hydro-fracturing is a new approach to revitalise bore wells to improve its yield, by injecting water at high pressure in the failed bore wells to break up fissures, clean away mud and other impurities, thus bringing it in contact with adjacent water bearing bodies, and thereby yield water.
