
Shree Cement Limited, Beawar, Rajasthan make efforts at water conservation as a corporate initiative (2007)
The company's efforts include developing conservation standards and reporting procedures, determining water footprints of specific products and services, raising water management issues Posted on 26 May, 2009 04:52 PM

This presentation provides information on the efforts made by Shree Cement, Beawar at water conservation.  Shree is the first cement company in the world to be registered for a Clean Development Mechanism project with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and has been cert

GIS based correlation between groundwater quality parameters and geological units: a research paper
The paper introduces the methodology to correlate groundwater quality parameters and geological units using statistical analysis through GIS Posted on 20 May, 2009 01:02 PM

In this paper, on the GIS Development site, a methodology is presented that utilises GIS to quantify the spatial geologic data and statistical analysis to determine the relation be

Impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic - Affliction severity, medical cost and wage loss in Indian villages
The study found that fluoride and arsenic contamination had high cost on society and concluded that government agencies and individuals need to get more attentive to address the issue Posted on 20 May, 2009 11:56 AM

This document on the study conducted by IWMI on the Carewater site aimed at understanding the economic and social burden experienced by people afflicted with contamination of water due to higher percentages

Use of remote sensing in groundwater modelling - a study from Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar districts in Rajasthan
The study aims at developing mathematical groundwater model for Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar districts of Rajasthan with the help of remote sensing data Posted on 19 May, 2009 11:56 AM

Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna (IGNP) is one of the largest irrigation and drinking water projects of northwestern Rajasthan. However Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar districts are facing severe waterlogging and salinity conditions since the introduction of the IGNP canal system in that area. 

Every drop counts: channeling rainwater and surface water to recharge groundwater- a video
Recharge groundwater by channeling rainwater and surface water through open wells Posted on 18 May, 2009 01:26 PM

'Every Drop Counts' shows how to channel rainwater and surface water to recharge groundwater via open wells. Tankas (underwater tanks) are an excellent solution to tackle water scarcity and conserve our ground water.

Courtesy- Barefoot College, Time- 11:30 minutes

Financing water crises: World Bank, International Aid Agencies and Privatisation - a report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology
The report aims to expose the World Bank aided water privatisation scam in India Posted on 13 May, 2009 05:31 PM

The report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology is in two parts. The first part lists the World Bank projects in three categories – loans given from 1950-1990, water restructuring projects from 1990-2005, and projects at approval stage. The second part of the report includes case studies of World Bank driven water privatization projects in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. 

Understanding processes of watershed development program in India: report of a study anchored by WASSAN and facilitated by ICEF
The main purpose of the study is to strengthen the participatory processes in watershed development projects and its policies Posted on 12 May, 2009 12:48 PM

This process study conducted by WASSAN with the support of ICEF is an attempt to bring focus on the processes of the watershed development projects. It is an attempt to provide feedback to the policy makers, donors and field level facilitators on the processes at the field level. It is an attempt to assess, diagnose and compare process at field level in different projects. 

Remote sensing based rapid watershed health appraisal: a case study of Rajasthan by national watershed development project for rainfed areas (NWDPRA)
Eight micro-watersheds, distributed over different agro climatic zones of Rajasthan were studied for their performance in terms of biomass gain, landuse change and changes along drainage line Posted on 11 May, 2009 04:14 PM

This study presents a remote sensing based rapid watershed health appraisal of NWDPRA watersheds of Rajasthan. The study area is distributed across 8 agro-climatic zones ranging from desertic western plain to humid southern and south-eastern plain. The satellite data prior to treatment year (1988) was compared with post-treated year (1996), to reveal the noticeable changes over a span of 8 years.

Traditional water body restoration in western Rajasthan by Tarun Bharat Sangh
The article has put together several links that describe the work of Tarun Bhagat Sangh, an NGO, in traditional water body restoration, natural resource management and river revival Posted on 08 May, 2009 01:01 PM

The NGO Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS) was set up in the mid 1980's for rural development and environmental conservation work. Their work includes water, forest conservation and other social issues hence raising awareness and understanding of the natural world.

Sharing best practices in rural development - success stories of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh by Research and Development Initiatives
The study attempts to document best practices in rural development planning and implementation and suggest ways and system for replication of these good practices at a larger level Posted on 07 May, 2009 12:45 PM

In consultation with the Planning Commission of India, states of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh were selected for the study. The government-pioneered projects from time to time have changed in approach and strategy. These shifts in the policy decisions are taken on the basis of experiences from existing programmes and to reach out to the last person in the last row.
