
Conference on adapting water harvesting to climate change in dry lands of India, Jal Bhagirathi Foundation, Jodhpur
Posted on 29 Jan, 2010 03:35 PM

The Jal Bhagirathi Foundation has been working for the past eight years with programmes in the Marwar region of Thar Desert to empower distressed village communities enabling them to revive the traditional community management systems and practices with special focus on creating social capital as sustainable means for bringing water security.

The solar power generator in future:Barmer, Rajasthan
Information on solar power that can be harnessed in Barmer, Rajasthan Posted on 11 Jan, 2010 06:28 PM

Barmer district is situated at the 71° 23' East Longitude and 25° 45' North Latitude in west of state Rajasthan and country India. Total area is 28387 km2. Even 1% of this area can produce 24GWh electrical energy per year. The average sun shines for 340 days a year. The Sun gives light energy @ 1KW per square meter at   25 ° cell (solar cell) temperature and 1.5 air mas The solar insolation is 2400KWh per year. This means that if we install 1KW solar power plant at home, we can get energy of 2400KWh per year. This amount of energy is sufficient for average house hold. Besides this small power plant we can construct big plants in the range of 1MW to 500MW or more. These big plants can be grid connected for further supply to destinations. Though the energy cost of generated electricity is Rs.15/- per KWh, but it is pollution free energy. 1KW solar plant saves 0.8tones carbon. The solar energy is not only environmental friendly, but it also generates employments. The land owners can be made partner for that power plant.The secret of solar power plant is that it can be constructed in 1KW, 2Kw, -----1MW, 10MW ,100MW and so on  

National Seminar on Conservation of Lakes and Water Resources, Udaipur
Posted on 05 Jan, 2010 11:11 AM

Venue: Management Strategies at College of Technology, Udaipur

Contact: shiloo592003@yahoo.co.uk

Right to water and sanitation : Water Drops, the Water Aid newsletter
"Water Drops", the WaterAid newsletter focuses on the right to water and sanitation in their recent issue. Posted on 16 Dec, 2009 03:21 PM

The newsletter explores the ways in which national laws, court pronouncements and judgements and international commitments can be interpreted to imply a right to water and sanitation.

Specific articles cover:

-Individual court cases and Supreme Court pronouncements

Traditional techniques of water management - Interesting cases presented by Farhad Contractor & Rajendra Singh
A discussion on water harvesting and conservation, traditional water management systems that have existed over centuries, in India. Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 09:58 PM

Rajendra Singh of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Farhad Contractor of Sambhaav Trust, had

Speakers and presentations of the WHSC 2009 Day 2 : Rajendra Singh emphasises the need for decentralized water management
A compilation of presentations during the WHSC 2009 Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 05:11 AM

Rajendra Singh



A community based self-sustained safe drinking water program - An industry case study from the work of BOSCH Limited - Jaipur
This presentation describes the work of BOSCH Jaipur, in organising safe drinking water for about 4000 families, around Jaipur, through the set up of a de-flouridation plant. Posted on 17 Nov, 2009 05:38 PM


This work won the CII-GBC National Award (Beyond the Fence Category) for Excellence in Water Management in 2008.

Download the presentation from below:

Water conservation by industry - A case study of JK Tyre and Industries Limited (Kankroli)
This presentation describes the work of JK Tyre and Industries Limited, in conserving water in its Kankroli plant. Posted on 17 Nov, 2009 04:38 PM

The various strategies adopted by the company for recycling and reusing water included working for zero discharge, developing hydrophobia for water in unwanted places, eliminating all open drains, optimising/loading cooling towers to their 100%, reducing evaporation losses, radiator/air cooling, eliminating flash losses in steam usage, eliminating wastage, treating sewage and rain water harvesting. 

Water conservation in industry - A case study of BOSCH Limited (Jaipur)
This presentation describes the work of BOSCH Limited Jaipur, in conserving water in their industrial processes. Posted on 17 Nov, 2009 04:11 PM

This has been possible by reducing fresh water consumption by adopting new technologies, utilizing rain water, increasing recycling and in managing water better in the local community.

13th annual birding fair at Jaipur's Man Sagar
A bird fair that will be devoted to 'Rivers’ Restoration' to enable decision makers realize how important the role of rivers has been in human civilization Posted on 10 Nov, 2009 05:52 PM

13th Birding Fair at Jaipur's Man Sagar on 2 – 3 Feb 2010 to be devoted to 'Rivers’ Restoration'
