
Rajasthan Ki Rajat Boondein: A book by Anupam Mishra
A book that documents the myriad, well-organised ways in which the people of western Rajasthan managed water over centuries Posted on 01 Oct, 2009 11:59 AM

Cover image of Rajasthan Ki Rajat Boonde bookIn Rajasthan Ki Rajat Boondein, Shri Anupam Mishra documents the myriad, well-organised ways in which the people of western Rajasthan have harvested and managed water over centuries, through work of the utmost dedication, painstaking detail and community-led action. These systems have survived the test of time, and are present in most villages and towns of the desert state even today.

This path-breaking work in the harsh water-scarce conditions of the desert, was completely managed by the local communities, and serves as a guide to the rest of us, in organising to face and tackle the water crisis, that we face across the world today.

Shri Anupam Mishra has worked in the field of environment and water conservation for many decades, and is currently with the Gandhi Peace Foundation New Delhi. His books on the work of people/society organising themselves, to harvest and manage water - Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talaab and Rajasthan Ki Rajat Boondein, are considered landmark works in the field, and continue to inspire several individuals even today, to take up work on setting up and reviving such time-tested water harvesting systems.

Rural schools in Rajasthan -The Barefoot College experience
Best Practices in Water Management-Case Studies from Rural India-2005 German Agro Action, 2005
Posted on 12 Sep, 2009 04:27 PM

In 2003, the Ministry of Water Resources sanctioned a pilot project to harvest rainwater in 100 rural schools across 13 states in the country through 20 village Community Based Organizations (CBOs). The project aimed to provide adequate water for drinking and sanitation by collecting rainwater from the roof tops of school buildings and storing this in underground water tanks. The Barefoot College, Tillonia outlines the simple and low cost traditional technique which can serve as a permanent sweet drinking water source for school children in rural areas.

Case studies on drinking water from Whitman Direct Action's "Water Book"
Description of Byrraju Foundation's work Posted on 09 Sep, 2009 11:22 AM

Sujala Scheme: The Byyraju Foundation's manual for setting up a locally managed, rural drinking water plant. The Foundation's drinking water initiative covers 154 villages across five districts of Andhra Pradesh via 31 village-level treatment plants.
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Byrraju Foundation website

Sharing best practices in rural development - Case studies of few success stories in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
A report that presents the findings of a study aimed at evaluating/examining the government run rural development programmes for community development Posted on 05 Sep, 2009 11:36 AM

This report on Planning Commission site by Research and Development Initiatives presents the findings of a study that aimed at evaluating/examining the government run rural development programmes for community development implemented in the country by:

  • Documenting best practices in rural planning and implementation.
  • Suggesting ways and developing systems for replication of these good practices at a larger level
NREGA is making a difference to the lives of the rural poor: An article from Frontline magazine
"Battle for work", is a cover page article from the magazine Frontline (Vol. 26 :: No. 01, Jan 03 - 16, 2009 Issue), on how the NREGA is making a difference to the lives of the rural poor, in an unprecedented achievement in the history of social security in India. Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 12:33 PM

Read the main article: " Battle for work" by Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera.

Impact of climate change in India: An agro - ecological zone level analysis
A detailed look at the possible impacts of climate change on the different agro - ecological zones demarcated in India Posted on 20 Aug, 2009 06:04 PM

India is gifted with heterogeneous landforms and variety of climatic conditions such as the lofty mountains, the raverine deltas, high altitude forests, peninsular plateaus, variety of geological formations endowed with temperature varying from arctic cold to equatorial hot, and rainfall from extreme aridity with a few cms (<10 cm) to pre humid with world's maxim

"The wisdom that was !" - A talk by Anupam Mishra on the traditional water harvesting systems of the Thar desert, Rajasthan
The Wisdom That Was !, captures a very interesting and informative talk by Anupam Mishra, on traditional water harvesting systems of the Rajasthan desert. Posted on 20 Aug, 2009 05:57 PM

This talk is part of a multimedia course series developed by Arghyam for the India Water Portal. The talk is in Hindi, with some subtitles in English.

Rashtrita Jal Chetna Yatra: Efforts of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Rajendar Singh in addressing water related concerns across the country
A detailed write up about the aims, aspirations and achievements of the Rashtriya Jal Chetna Yatra Posted on 20 Aug, 2009 02:20 PM

Tarun Bharat Sangh and Rajendar Singh started a massive campaign to spread awareness of traditional water harvesting structures in order to restore the water resources of arid Rajasthan. The aim was to popularize the use of such traditional structures across the country.

Incidence of fluorosis: Map showing states affected by fluorosis in india
Incidence of fluorosis has reached alarming levels in certain pockets of the state while the problem is acute in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 12:44 PM

These two maps indicate the percentage of districts affected by fluoride, in each state of the country and also gives data of the range of fluoride concentration in drinking water in each state.

Map: Fluoride in groundwater in Asia
International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre has mapped available fluoride data for all continents and have come up with this series. Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 12:30 PM

For Asia, this map indicates the probability of occurrence of excessive concentrations of fluoride in groundwater, on a scale of high-medium-low.
