Traditional water body restoration in western Rajasthan by Tarun Bharat Sangh

The NGO Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS) was set up in the mid 1980's for rural development and environmental conservation work. Their work includes water, forest conservation and other social issues hence raising awareness and understanding of the natural world.

The following links give information about their activities in the abovementioned sectors. The first section talks about the implementation of water conservation/ harvesting through the use of traditional water harvesting structures and community initiative. The second section informs us about the ripple effect in forest conservation and community initiative brought about by the TBS initiative.

  • Link1 talks about the transformation brought in Alwar District, Rajasthan through forest conservation and reconstruction of traditional water harvesting structures.
  • Link2 gives information about Community Based Conservation effort taken up by the Bhaonta and Koylala, small villages nestled in the Aravalli hill ranges of Rajasthan, which was initiated by the water conservation efforts of TBS.
  • The EcoTipping Points Project is an initiative by Gerry Marten & team with the emphasis on small things that can make a difference and inducing a positive feedback loop to maintain and sustain the effects of their action. Their report on "Restoring Rajasthan's Traditional Earthen Dams for Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Replenishment" can be read here
  • Further details, ripple effect of the projects, the people, history and positive loop of actions can be had here


Post By: Rama Mani