Understanding processes of watershed development program in India: report of a study anchored by WASSAN and facilitated by ICEF

This process study conducted by WASSAN with the support of ICEF is an attempt to bring focus on the processes of the watershed development projects. It is an attempt to provide feedback to the policy makers, donors and field level facilitators on the processes at the field level. It is an attempt to assess, diagnose and compare process at field level in different projects. 

The study was conducted in seven states of India – Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Nagaland. In each state, a local nodal agency anchored the study. A detailed methodology consisting of several tools was designed together by WASSAN and its partners. Through these methodologies and tools, experiences and responses of several actors in the field were gathered and carefully documented. A total of 55 watersheds were profiled in the seven states. 30 projects were from Government of India supported and Line Department facilitated projects; 15 projects were from Government of India supported and NGO facilitated projects; 3 projects were funded by bilateral projects; 7 projects were funded by International NGO Donors and facilitated by local NGOs.

Each state team prepared a report profiling the watershed processes of the state. Processes from all watersheds from all states were consolidated by all nodal agencies together. Based on this process data, the process analysis of the watershed development projects was conducted. The process data generated from the field work has rich contents, depth and numerous dimensions. To justify the objectives of the study and present various dimensions of watershed processes, the report is presented in six volumes -

  • Volume 1: Birds Eye View of Processes: Status across States, Facilitators and Donors
  • Volume 2: Process Index
  • Volume 3: In-depth View of Critical Themes: Institutions, Finances and Equity
  • Volume 4: Policies and Possibilities: Compilation of Good Practices
  • Volume 5: Making them Better: Gap Analysis, Enabling & Disabling Factors and Recommendations
  • Volume 6: Recommendations at a Glance

Download “Volume 6: Recommendations at a Glance”  here to get an idea about the nature of action recommended. 

Post By: Rama Mani