A decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC): Lessons learnt and the way forward - National workshop reports (2010)
Posted on 02 Jul, 2010 12:13 AMA national workshop on 'A Decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC): Lessons Learnt and the Way Forward' was organised in New Delhi on the 22-23rd April 2010, by the Department of Drinking Water Supply (DDWS) and Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). The three presentations below are outputs from the workshop.
World Bank Report and AP High Court Writ Petition on Flourosis situation in Nalgonda District
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 04:17 PMThe fluorosis section of this website dedicated to Nalgonda district, highlights the acute problem of very high levels of fluoride in the ground water resources of the district and its impact on the health of people - a high prevalence of severe and crippling bone and skeletal deformities. The site has information on the status of the affected people, flouride levels and various articles, petitions and pictures.
Recent technical literature relevant for the hydrologists of the country – A compilation by the National Institute of Hydrology
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 04:10 PMThe report is a compilation of abstracts of hydrological literature from select national and international Journals for the period 1991-95. Though a sizeable number of Journals are published in the field of hydrology and water resources, scientists involved in different studies and projects find it difficult to go through all of them.
News regarding hydrological problems of the country for the year 1996-97: A report by National Institute of Hydrology
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 04:00 PMThe report presents the hydrologic information and news available from print media and various government agencies mostly for the year 1996-97 compiled state-wise and problem-wise for the whole country.
Effect of discontinuous aquitard on the seepage from a static water body - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 03:46 PMIn this study, the influence of a discontinuous aquitard on the seepage from a recharge source in a multilayered aquifer system, with the prescribed hydrogeological set-up, has been subjected to investigation.
Recent technical literature relevant to the Hydrologists of the country – A compilation by the National Institute of Hydrology
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 03:30 PMThe report is a compilation of abstracts and annotated bibliography of hydrological literature from select national and international Journals for the year 1996-97. Though a sizeable number of Journals are published in the field of hydrology and water resources, scientists involved in different studies and projects find it difficult to go through all of them.
Hydrological problems of India – A compilation of news items for the year 1997-98
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 02:10 PMThis report is a compilation of the hydrological news in the print media in the country for the year 1997-98. The report is an attempt to put forth diverse hydrologic information and events reflecting the problems and indicate solutions for hydrologists, planners and water resource managers in particular. Five national newspapers like Hindustan Times, Indian Express and Hindu etc., have been referred to, for tracking the Indian hydrological events due to flood, drought, quality, demand supply and availability.
Impact assessment of Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) awarded panchayats - A report by TARU
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 02:01 PMThe Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) of the Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM), Govt of India was launched to cover all households with water and sanitation facilities and promote hygiene behaviour for overall improvement of health of the rural population. Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) were involved in scaling up the TSC to promote large scale social mobilisation to bring about behavioural change.
Progress on sanitation and drinking water - A report by WHO and UNICEF (2010)
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 01:45 PMThis report by WHO and UNICEF, describes the global status and trends with respect to the use of safe drinking water and basic sanitation, and global progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the context of drinking water and sanitation targets. The findings reveal some striking disparities with respect to:
- the gap between progress in providing access to drinking water versus sanitation
- the divide between urban and rural populations in terms of the services
- the differences in the way different regions are performing
- disparities between different socio-economic strata in the society
- gendered differences in the burden experienced in accessing and collection of drinking water
Flood studies in Satluj basin – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 01:17 PMThe study attempts to do flood inundation and flood plain feature mapping as well as undertake river planform measurements for a part of the river reach of Satluj. The river is a part of the Indus system and faces flood during monsoon months in spite of various flood control measures that have been adopted. The vast expanse of land adjoining the river course is inundated by large floods.