A decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC): Lessons learnt and the way forward - National workshop reports (2010)

A national workshop on 'A Decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC): Lessons Learnt and the Way Forward' was organised in New Delhi on the 22-23rd April 2010, by the Department of Drinking Water Supply (DDWS) and Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). The three presentations below are outputs from the workshop.

A decade of TSC - Progress achieved and lessons learnt

This presentation provides a brief overview of the progress achieved and the lessons learnt following ten years of the implementation of the TSC.

The analysis of the TSC status is presented in the form of:

  • Description of the background and the goal of the TSC
  • Inputs provided in the form of financial allocation
  • Expenditure against allocation
  • Average expenditure per state, district, household
  • Outputs achieved in the form of coverage
  • Processes involved such as acceleration of coverage
  • Effectiveness of IEC expenditure
  • Prioritisation of coverage
  • NGP success rate
  • Financial efficiency
  • Outcomes of the processes
  • Benchmarking Cumulative performance in terms of performance indicators

Towards Nirmal Bharat - An Agenda for Action - Rapid Assessment Findings

This presentation includes the findings of a rapid assessment of TSC processes and outcomes in 22 districts in India. The findings discuss the processes that contributed to differential performance, identify gaps and lessons learnt, and identify the programmatic approaches to address these.

The assessment found that, good performance was strongly correlated to:

  • Processes implemented
  • Strategy for implementation and vice versa
  • Institutional structures
  • Approach to creating demand and scaling up
  • Financing and incentives
  • Monitoring

Scaling up with sustainability: Rural sanitation in Maharashtra at crossroads

This presentation highlights the experiences in the implementation of TSC in the state of Maharashtra and discusses the measures that need to be adopted to encourage sustainability of the effort in the state.

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