Hydrological problems of India – A compilation of news items for the year 1997-98

This report is a compilation of the hydrological news in the print media in the country for the year 1997-98. The report is an attempt to put forth diverse hydrologic information and events reflecting the problems and indicate solutions for hydrologists, planners and water resource managers in particular. Five national newspapers like Hindustan Times, Indian Express and Hindu etc., have been referred to, for tracking the Indian hydrological events due to flood, drought, quality, demand supply and availability.

The news has been categorized in twenty-six hydrological sub-fields. Two matrices of hydrological problems versus content positions and hydrological basins versus content positions have been presented thereafter. A list of all problems with their area, date and source has been stated following the introduction.

There is already a major shortage of fresh water and the deficit is set to rise. Although the world availability of potable water greatly exceeds the amounts needed, resources are not evenly distributed. According to a survey, while demand rises for potable water, pollution of natural water supplies is increasing. Increasing demand of water and decreasing availability would place additional stress on people, agriculture and the environment, more so in developing countries. Climate change will exacerbate the stress caused by pollution and growing population. For proper utilization and management of water resources in the country, it is necessary to have sound information about available water resources.

The report is an attempt to cover a wide range of hydrology and water resources related news and events of the country. 

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani