
9th Indian Fisheries Forum, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 19 - 23 December 2011 , Chennai
Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 05:12 PM

9th Indian Fisheries Forum
Organizer: Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi

Venue: Indian Bank Management Academy for Growth & Excellence, Chennai

24th National Convention of IPHE (India): "Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their Health Implications", February 12th & 13th, Bhubaneswar
Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 04:58 PM

Organiser: Institution of Public Health Engineers, India

Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar, Orissa

The worsening water crisis in Gujarat - The Earth Institute
This post is based on a White Paper produced by the Columbia Water Center for the workshop ‘Strategies for Sustaining Water, Energy and Incomes in North Gujarat,’ Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 04:41 PM

It was the kick-off event of an ambitious project to find solutions to the groundwater crisis in Gujarat, funded by the PepsiCo Foundation. More details of the project will follow this overview post.

Gujarat and the Mehsana region, India Source: Columbia Water Center

Heavy Rains in Sri Lanka - Update from Earth Observatory
Heavy rains forced 120,000 people out of their homes in Sri Lanka, the Associated Press reported on January 11, 2011. Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 01:48 PM

Sri Lanka’s government stated that the death toll from flooding had risen to 13, and officials were arranging food drops to hardest-hit areas in the east.

Heavy Rains in Sri Lanka

Compilation of 300 hands on field activities for community based adaptation
Center for Sustainable Development is pleased to announce a new compilation of Community Based Adaptation Field Activities. Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 01:42 PM


This collection of CBA field activities began as a resource for online CBA students. However, as it grew, we decided that it was important to make it more broadly available to CBA development practitioners worldwide. The activities are organized in the following framework.

Invitation to register for participating in the UNDP/GEF Global Solar Water Heating Project
Posted on 19 Jan, 2011 02:38 PM

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing a National Programme on Solar Water Heating aimed at peak shaving, conservation of electricity and fossil fuels and providing a clean, non-polluting solution for water heating in housing, institutional, commercial and industrial sectors.  About 4 million sqm. of collector area has so far been installed in the country.  A target of 5 million sqm. of collector area has been set for the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12).  The web-site of the Ministry www.mnre.gov.in may be visited for information about the National Solar Water Heating Programme and the Guidelines for Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar Applications under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). 

The Bhoomi Conference - 2011, Jan 21 & 22, Bangalore
Posted on 19 Jan, 2011 01:41 PM

Bhoomi Network

Organizer: Bhoomi Network for Sustainable Living

Venue: St. John's Auditorium, Koramangala, Bangalore

The need for Scientific Ground Water Investigation Services Survey(SGWISS)
What is the need and use of Scientific Ground Water Investigation Services Survey to solve the problem of water ? Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:50 PM

How SGWISS could support the Rainwater Harvesting? 

The main source of sweet water is Rain, but the water available from the rain is not regular and uniformly spread throughout year. So the rainwater could be stored by any method in rain. When the rainwater is stored on the surface but there would not be sufficient capacities of structures developed for the rainwater harvesting. Little quantity of the rainwater is recharged in the subsurface and underground.

24th national convention of IPHE (India) on "Water & sanitation utility services in India and their health implications" held in Bhubaneshwar
The 24th National Convention of Institution of Public Health Engineers (India) on the theme “Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their health implications” Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:49 PM

The 24th National Convention of Institution of Public Health Engineers (India) on the theme “Water & Sanitation Utility Services in India and their health implications” will be organised by IPHE(I), Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar during 12th -13th  February,2011.

Whose water? Privatisation of water, a bane for consumers
All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs? Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:47 PM

All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs?
