Invitation to register for participating in the UNDP/GEF Global Solar Water Heating Project

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing a National Programme on Solar Water Heating aimed at peak shaving, conservation of electricity and fossil fuels and providing a clean, non-polluting solution for water heating in housing, institutional, commercial and industrial sectors.  About 4 million sqm. of collector area has so far been installed in the country.  A target of 5 million sqm. of collector area has been set for the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12).  The web-site of the Ministry may be visited for information about the National Solar Water Heating Programme and the Guidelines for Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar Applications under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). 
As a part of the UNDP/UNEP/GEF Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative, and under the Country Program of India, UNDP/GEF are supporting a Project aimed at accelerating the market for solar water heating and achievement of the target set for the 11th Five Year Plan.  The project will contribute partially to the target through installation of two million sqm. of collector area which will also result in GHG Emission Reductions  of 11 million tonnes of CO2 over 15 years life of the equipment.
Expression of Interest is invited from qualified and experienced consulting firms/ institutions/ NGOs working in the field of solar energy, particularly in the area of solar water heating, having sufficient experience and background in the field, and wishing to be considered for consultancy assignments/contractual services under the UNDP/GEF Project.         
Consulting firms/Institutions/NGOs interested for being considered for assignments/ contracts under the UNDP/GEF Project during 2011 are invited to register their interest for participating in the Project by forwarding the following information: 

  1. Name and address with e-mail, telephone and fax numbers
  2. Name and short CVs of experts/ professionals
  3. Ownership and organizational structure 
  4. Financial statement for the last three years
  5. List of assignments completed in recent years in the area of renewable energy, solar energy,  with special emphasis on solar water heating

Information in support of experience and capability for carrying out the consultancy assignments, as well as on adequacy and availability of resources to carry out the respective assignments should also be furnished.  Depending upon the available resources, maximum of two assignments can be considered for an applicant.
Expression of Interest, with accompanying information, including a current Statement of the financial position, should be submitted by February 2, 2011, at the address given below. Documents received thereafter, or without complete information as indicated above, will not be accepted. 

Contact Details:
The National Project Manager,
UNDP/GEF Global Solar Water Heating Project,
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources,
Block No. 14, C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Tel: 011 – 24361152

Apply By
Post By: Rama Mani