Compilation of 300 hands on field activities for community based adaptation


This collection of CBA field activities began as a resource for online CBA students. However, as it grew, we decided that it was important to make it more broadly available to CBA development practitioners worldwide. The activities are organized in the following framework.


CBA Field Activities

  • Agriculture
    1. Soil and water conservation for agriculture
    2. Developing water for agriculture
    3. Agriculture in flood-prone or waterlogged areas
    4. CBA techniques for agriculture
  • Small island developing states
  • Emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction
  • Energy
  • Livelihood
  • Health & sanitation
  • CBA project design
  • CBA participatory inclusion
  • Long-term investments.
  • General resources.


After assessing community vulnerabilities, CBA field staff can search the list for appropriate activities for their projects. Links to web resources are provided that allow them to scope in and find detailed field guides for implementing the activities—or lesson plans for related participatory workshops.

We hope that you enjoy this new resource. We also look forward to your feedback, along with ideas for any additional activities/resources that you may want to submit to the list.

Contact Details:
Center for Sustainable Development
724 Via Santo Tomas
Claremont, CA  91711

Post By: iwp