
Campaign against pollution of the Aril river in Moradabad district, U.P
A Paper Factory in 16 years changes a beautiful and peaceful area, introduces noise, air, land and water pollution. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:45 PM

This pollution has been caused by a paper factory that was set up 16 years ago.  The noise, air, land and water pollution that are a direct result of the factory have changed a beautiful and peaceful rural area into one where farmers’ land and crops have been destroyed, the air is full of fine, crystalline ash, the local river is an evil-smelling, stagnant mire of foam-encrusted sludge and the water table has fallen by over 70 feet.

India s groundwater challenges and the way forward
The groundwater crisis is acquiring alarming proportions in many parts of the country. Strategies to respond to groundwater overuse and deteriorating water quality must be based on a new approach involving typologising the resource problems and redefining the institutional structure governing groundwater. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:42 PM

India’s Groundwater Challenge and the Way Forward
P S Vijay Shankar , Himanshu Kulkarni , Sunderrajan Krishnan

The groundwater crisis is acquiring alarming proportions in many parts of the country. Strategies to respond to groundwater overuse and deteriorating water quality must be based on a new approach involving typologising the resource problems and redefining the institutional structure governing groundwater. This approach is based on the notion of groundwater as common property.

2010: The year of climate records
The year 2010 has witnessed a few climate records that has mounted evidence of climate change the world over. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:35 PM

Article Courtesy: Cognizant Reflections
Author: Sangeeta Deogawanka

The year 2010 has witnessed a few climate records that has mounted evidence of climate change the world over.

  • It marked the end of the warmest decade since climate records were kept.
  • It has been one of the three warmest years recorded, since 1850.
Nearly half of respondents for online corrosion management survey say little focus for corrosion awareness in India
Control Corrosion in India, an Open Source Knowledge Management group has launched an online survey for Corrosion Management in India on 15 August 2010. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:34 PM

Contant and Image Courtesy: Corrosion Management Survey in India

Iron Pillar DashboardWe CAN Control Corrosion in India, an Open Source Knowledge Management group has launched an online survey for Corrosion Management in India on 15 August 2010. Survey response for the period August-December 2010 reveals the importance of creating awareness for corrosion in India. Nearly half of the survey respondents say Little Focus is there for corrosion awareness in India.

SRI - Less seeds, water , fertilisers lead to greater yields
Farmers innovate and adapt the System of Rice Intensification on their own. Anecdotes narrating their tales of how they help themselves and their fellow farmers Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:21 PM

BHUBANESWAR, India, Dec 29, 2010 (IPS) - When French Jesuit priest and passionate agriculturist Henri de Laulanie developed the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of cultivation for Madagascar’s poor farmers in the 1980s, he probably had no idea that millions of farmers elsewhere in the world would one day benefit from it as well.

Linear turbine developed in New Zealand - Trials, drawings, videos
Visual documentation of the design and implementation of the Linear turbine Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:17 PM

Mark 1 model ready for launch 1984

Mark 1 model ready for launch 1984
Trials in Pai river northern Thailand 1986

Managing Natural Resources -A report by IDSAsr
Managing the scare natural resources better and how space programme plays a role in this, a seminar of country's brilliant minds take the issue head on. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 04:24 PM

The scarcity value of natural resources has risen due to rising pressure of human population and demands made by modern economics progress. As such managing these resources has become very important.

Booklets on water quality, river pollution and rainwater harvesting by Janhit Foundation
The three booklets discuss the issues of water quality, river pollution, and rainwater harvesting, in detail. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 04:16 PM

The three booklets discuss the issues of water quality, river pollution, and rainwater harvesting, in detail.

Olive Crown Awards: For Creative Excellence In Communicating Sustainability
Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 03:18 PM

Forwarded to the portal by: Rohit Rellan

The India Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA) seeks to recognize creative excellence in communicating sustainability.

These are the country’s first ‘green’ awards for communication.

Any communication that highlights the ‘green’ nature of a product, service or corporate philosophy is covered by this award. This would include communication about anything organic, eco-friendly, power-efficient, energy-saving, pollution-controlling, recyclable, reusable and generally something that offers a positioning as not just the custodian of a brand but also a custodian of Brand Earth.

Utility of fresh water flooded forests for large scale water harvesting
This paper explains how the flooded forest trees in Amazon, Mekong and Meghna River can be used for large scale water harvesting wherever water is available and needed. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 03:16 PM

There are vast areas of fresh water flooded forests in Amazon River, Mekong River and Meghna River (Bangladesh) basins. In these flooded forests, the flora & fauna is richer than tropical ever green forests and many tree species grow more than 20 meters in height. These forests are inundated / submerged by river flood water up to ten meters depth for 5 to 7 months duration at a stretch.
