
IPCC alarms India of a severe water shortage
News this week: IPCC releases its Fifth Assessment Report on climate change; Hydropower plants in Himachal find it tough to sell power; No toilet facilities in 20% of Goa households. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 06:23 PM

IPCC releases its climate change report, alarms India of severe water shortage

Himalayan lake in Sikkim (Source: Wikimedia)
Indian Railways gets notice for supplying poor quality water
Policy matters this week: Delhi HC issues notice to Indian Railways for supplying poor quality water; DJB ends the free water policy on April 1; Rajasthan govt plans to set up 1,000 RO plants. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 06:13 PM

HC issues notice to Indian Railways over poor quality water

Bottled water at railways (Source:India Rail Info)
Chennai's water quality mapped
What does the mapping of the water quality data onto the existing water supply map of Chennai tell us? Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 11:39 AM


To  visualize the water quality of Chennai over its existing water supply infrastructure map.


Chennai city base map
Playing with Uttarakhand rainfall data
What can we do with daily rainfall data especially when it is available in usable formats? Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 11:39 AM

Daily rainfall information at a weather station level is very useful data. It can be used for analysis and planning. A district average can't help people plan or monitor a situation in a real time manner. It is possible to aggregate up for trends but deaggrating is impossible especially for places like Uttarakhand where the climate can change drastically from one area to the other.  

Rainfall data from Dehradun
Changing pattern: Rainfall maps
How has the rainfall pattern changed in the last 100 years across India? These rainfall maps provide a visual answer. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 03:39 AM

Rainfall maps for the period of 100 years were created to see the changing patterns and differences over time.

Data used

MET data was used to generate the maps for every year.

Rainfall maps of India (Source: IMD)
Mapping drought for 100 years
Analysing monthly rainfall data from 1901 to 2002 helps understand the incidence of drought across the country. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 02:15 AM

The Indian Meteorlogical Department (IMD) defines drought as ‘the consequence of a natural reduction in the amount of precipitation over an extended period of time, usually a season or more in length, often associated with other climatic factors (viz.

Drought map of India, 1918
What do the numbers reveal about aquifers in India?
Using a motion chart, the behaviour of aquifers using rainfall and well-level data is explained. Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 10:54 PM

Groundwater is water that is stored underground in aquifers or rock layers than can absorb water. India gets 85% of all its drinking water from this source.   

Rainfall is an essential part of monitoring groundwater as it recharges the aquifer and brings groundwater levels up. Rainfall and well levels are important parameters for data collection.

Motion chart outputs
The connection between well-level data and aquifers
The groundwater data collected by the CGWB has been criticized for various reasons. We analyse this data to understand the discrepancies, if any. Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 07:31 PM

Groundwater is water that is stored below the ground in aquifers, or rock layers that can absorb water. India gets 85% of all its drinking water from this source.

Andhra Pradesh groundwater Levels
Water for friends- for free!
At a time when Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), is much talked about, two villages in Nagaland show that helping one's neighbour doesn't always have to be for a cost. Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 03:17 PM

“Water flows humbly to the lowest level. Nothing is weaker than water, yet for overcoming what is hard and strong, nothing surpasses it.”– Lao Tzu

Water reservoir at Mima village
Citizen-friendly services? Yes please!
Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation has used newer technologies and integrated customer feedback into making its data public and its services renowned. Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 03:16 PM

Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipa

Working to make life better for citizens