
Water security for India: The external dynamics - An IDSA Task Force Report
India to be 'water-stressed' by 2025 and 'water scarce' by 2050; what forces drive the demand and political dynamics? What are the hindrances & opportunities? Posted on 01 Dec, 2010 08:44 PM

The report by Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses is premised on the fact that India is facing a serious water resource problem and is expected to become 'water stressed' by 2025 and 'water scarce' by 2050. It raises fundamental questions about the forces driving water demand and the political dynamics of riparian relations, both in terms of hindrances and opportunities, amongst states in the subcontinent. Rivers, a crucial source of water resources, physically link upstream and downstream users and at the same time create barriers.

Ecological Sanitation locations in India
This is a map of installations and research of Ecological Sanitation projects in India. Posted on 01 Dec, 2010 04:55 PM

Ecological Sanitation is a new approaching sanitation where there is minimal water use and where human waste can be used as fertilizer. It is a truly sustainable approach.

Training and Awareness Raising' :bRAINstorming - Newsletter of International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance - N 34 November 2010
Newsletter focuses on all activities concerning rainwater harvesting, the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) and its partners Posted on 30 Nov, 2010 11:51 AM

Article and Image Courtesy: International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA)

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA)

Peer Water Exchange (PWX) receives 2010 Intel Environment Award
Persistant efforts win The Peer Water Exchange the 2010 Intel Environment Award Posted on 29 Nov, 2010 04:40 PM

The Peer Water Exchange (PWX) was awarded the 2010 Intel Environment Award today. PWX, a project of Blue Planet Network, is a combination of process, technology platform, and people designed to unlock the global capacity and creativity of individuals, philanthropies, businesses and implementers to solve the global safe drinking water and sanitation crises.

Rajesh Shah

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is looking for Watershed Management Specialist
Posted on 29 Nov, 2010 04:09 PM

Content and Image Courtesy: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

ICIMOD is a regional knowledge development and learning centre. We are working to develop an economically and environmentally sound mountain ecosystem to improve the living standards of mountain populations – now, and for the future. In line with its current Strategic Framework, ICIMOD is strengthening its capacity to develop new approaches to meet the growing challenges in the region posed by climate change and globalisation.

E-newsletter from Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC) - November 2010
The November edition of e-newsletter published by the Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC) features the cultural heritage of step-wells. Posted on 29 Nov, 2010 12:57 PM

Article and Image Courtesy: Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC)

Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC)

The November edition of e-newsletter published by the Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC) has the following highlights:

e-Disha November 2010 newsletter from Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD)
The November edition of e-Disha published by the Consortium of DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD) features the Alternative Food Process industry and many more stories.
Posted on 29 Nov, 2010 10:59 AM

Article and Image Courtesy: Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society

Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD)

The November edition of e-Disha published by the Consortium of DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD) has the following highlights:

Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation and Health (FINISH) Sanitation Contest
Posted on 26 Nov, 2010 04:02 PM

Content and Image Courtesy: Ideaken

Innovative Sanitation System DesignProgramme FINISH stands for Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation and Health and is being supported and implemented since 2009 by an Indo-Dutch consortium comprising NGOs, academic and financial institutions, insurance companies and banks from the two countries. Its objective is to diffuse 1 million safe sanitation systems (i.e. toilets with proper treatment of waste produced) to low income communities in rural India through mobilizing funds from end-user households.

Droplets: e-newsletter from Everything About Water - November 2010
The November newsletter talks about the country facing a water deficit by 2030, the new National Water Policy and others. Posted on 26 Nov, 2010 02:02 PM

Article and Image Courtesy: Everything About Water

Droplets newsletterThe November edition of Droplets e-newsletter published by the Everything About Water had the following highlights:

  • India: The country facing a water deficit of 50% by 2030
  • India: New national water policy in pipeline
  • Rajasthan: Rs. 149.59 crore plant to clean river waters
  • Madhya Pradesh: State to sign 6 MoUs for water projects
  • Tamil Nadu: Habitat for Humanity brings clean drinking water
  • Mumbai: MMRDA plans Rs. 1200 crore water conveyance system plan
Fluorosis water contamination in rural India - A video by Earth Report
In 15 of India's 26 states, bone deformity has become increasingly common. Flourosis. Contamination of drinking water with high levels of flourosis is the cause Posted on 26 Nov, 2010 12:08 PM

Video Courtesy: EarthReport

Source:  5min Media

It has been proved that it's a direct result of drinking ground water that's contaminated with high levels of fluoride. This video suggests that rainwater is the best source of water for communities living in these regions.
