Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation and Health (FINISH) Sanitation Contest

Content and Image Courtesy: Ideaken

Innovative Sanitation System DesignProgramme FINISH stands for Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation and Health and is being supported and implemented since 2009 by an Indo-Dutch consortium comprising NGOs, academic and financial institutions, insurance companies and banks from the two countries. Its objective is to diffuse 1 million safe sanitation systems (i.e. toilets with proper treatment of waste produced) to low income communities in rural India through mobilizing funds from end-user households.

FINISH feels that among other factors, the lack of sanitation coverage in rural India (as elsewhere) is due to lack of innovation on possible 'designs' to fit diverse environmental and social-economic conditions, water needs and local availability of materials. Therefore, in order to promote innovation generation in this much neglected field, we are organizing an innovation contest, where the innovation can take the form of a novel design and/or novel choice of materials used and/or a new process and/or any other component.

Individuals and companies can participate by submitting their solution proposal from this page.

You must submit your solution proposal before 28th of February 2011. The decision of the judges will be final and not disputable.

Click here to participate and programme details

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Post By: Rama Mani