
Pollution of River Ganga, its control and preservation
This article highlights the concern over the wide-spread pollution of the Holy River Ganga and all the effort done by the Government and private sector towards its control and preservation. Posted on 01 Mar, 2010 03:54 PM

Ground Report India

I recall the day two months before, when I had the opportunity to attend a seminar at the outskirt of Delhi. The hot topics, to be bothered and discussed in the gathering was: “Pollution of River Ganga & its Control and Preservation” (i.e. Ganga ka Pradushan … Ganga Bachao”).

And so, so early reached at the venue ignoring the shivering cold weather. However, it happened so, probably due to the chilly cold situations, that VIPs- honourable guests and invited respected audience reached one by one…. at last to conclude it to be ‘a late affair’!

Ganga Yamuna Panchayat held on February 2010 at the Nehru Memorial Museum
A charter of demands presented to minister of Environment for the effective implementation of the New Ganga & Yamuna Action Plans Posted on 15 Feb, 2010 03:24 PM

Charter of All India Ganga Yamuna Panchayat submitted to Minister of Environment8-10 February 2010

In its concluding session on 10th February, the all India Ganga Yamuna Panchayat organized by Tarun Bharat Sangh and Manushi Sangathan presented a Charter of Demands to Minister of Environment, Mr Jairam Ramesh for the effective implementation of the New Ganga and Yamuna Action Plans.  The Panchayat was inaugurated on February 8th by Shri Digvijay Singh, General Secretary, All India Congress Committee at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library which hosted the Panchayat.

Release of books in Hindi "Aaviral Ganga" and "Dole mein Pole" by Matu People's Organisation, 2010
"Aaviral Ganga" and "Dole mein Pole" are the 2 new published books in Hindi by Matu People's Organisation. Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 05:53 PM

The book "Aaviral Ganga" explores the question of what is a dam, and of what the river Ganga means to us, and the impact of dams in the Ganga river valley”

The book "Dole mein Pole" is a case study of Srinagar Hydro Electric Project, on River Alaknanda(the main tributary of Ganga) how the 200 MW dam clearance was converted into 330 MW. There was no public hearing, no extra study, no monitoring, no compliance etc.

Ganga pollution unabated in Haridwar- Study by PSI
Water quality deteriorates as discharge and effluents continuously pour into the Ganga at Haridwar Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 04:39 PM

A recent study monitoring water quality of river Ganga in Hardwar shows that it does not meet the standards for outdoor bathing set by the Central Pollution Control Board. This is primarily due to the continuing discharge of untreated wastewater and effluents from various drains directly into the river. The outfall from the sewage treatment plant (STP) at Jagjeetpur alone releases about 129 million litres daily (MLD) into the Ganga with a fecal coliform concentration of about 34 million/100ml!

Scientists from People’s Science Institute (PSI) took samples from 10 drains falling into river Ganga at different locations in Hardwar on January 2nd and 3rd, 2010 along with samples of the river water at 3 locations.

Workshop on pollution abatement in Ganga basin - Need for effective waste water management
A report on the workshop held in Kanpur - Living Ganga Programme Posted on 28 Dec, 2009 05:08 PM

Kanpur, November 24, 2009: Shri Alok Ranjan, IAS, Principal Secretary, UP Urban Development and Environment, inaugurated the workshop organized by WWF India, Kanpur Nagar Nigam and IIT Kanpur.

Water economies - Of the rich and the poor
Study of water governance in the Indus Gangetic basin that observes that the water economy in this basin is largely informal Posted on 11 Dec, 2009 12:34 AM

Once it is known that the system of administration and management of water resources has grown in a manner which is not conducive to productivity and efficiency, then what options are we left with? How do we analyze the state of the system, so that the critical points are identified and improved upon?

State of fisheries in the Gangetic basin
A perspective on the state of fisheries in the gangetic basin and the interventions which may help alleviate poverty and hunger in the regions which have a very heavy reliance on fishing these waters Posted on 10 Dec, 2009 03:51 PM

Inland fisheries form an integral part of the vast gangetic basin.

Speakers and presentations at the IWMI : Bharat Sharma speaks on the use of GIS for estimating basin level water productivity
An amalgamation of the presentations and discussions at the IWMI on water productivity Posted on 07 Dec, 2009 02:25 AM



Curious case of Ganga Action Plan
An in depth analysis on the Ganga Action Plan Posted on 04 Dec, 2009 06:40 PM

The news is out. On December 2, 2009, Government of India announced its plans of taking a loan to clean the Ganga. This time around the World Bank is extending Rs $1 billion [Rs 4500 crore] loan to India.

Water Evaluation And Planning(WEAP) in the Indus and Ganges basin
An evaluation on the water evaluation and planning in the Indus and Gangetic basin Posted on 04 Dec, 2009 11:57 AM

This couldn't have been more relevant to the conversation that we are having here.
