
Ganga Samagra Seminar, March 2013, New Delhi
Posted on 20 Sep, 2012 01:12 PM

Organiser: Ganga Samagra

Venue:  Siri Fort Auditorium
                  New Delhi

Strengthen participatory urban governance to prevent pollution in Ganga at Kanpur and recognise the need to look for decentralized solutions
This article describes the proceedings of the one day Area Water Partnership Conference held on 22nd July, 2012 Posted on 31 Jul, 2012 02:17 PM

A one day Area Water Partnership Conference was held on 22nd July, 2012 by Shramik Bharti, Kanpur; Society for Action in Community Health (SACH) and Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development (SPWD), New Delhi at Jajmau, Kanpur, an industrial city on the banks of the Ganga which also happens to be a major centre for leather tanneries, which let out

Activists call for disbanding the inter ministerial group on issues related to river Ganga
A group of activists have urged that the Inter Ministerial Group on issues related to river Ganga be disbanded Posted on 26 Jul, 2012 04:10 PM

This is on the ground that its formation itself was an attempt to further delay the action National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) was expected to make. The composition of the Committee has been criticized, as also its constitution and the Terms of Reference.

"Taral Darpane Samajer Mukh" by Joya Mitra – Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra's booklet "Tairne Wala Samaj Doob Raha Hai" on floods in Bihar
This is the Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra’s book “Tairne wala samaj doob raha hai” written in the context of the floods in the Kosi river in Bihar in 2004. Posted on 21 Jul, 2012 04:19 PM

cover page

 The second edition of the book came out in 2008 just after the devastating Bihar floods in the year when the river thundered down from the Himalayas on its way to the sea sweeping half of Bihar.

Agony of Ganga: Recommendations of a round table Conference held at IIC, New Delhi in July 2012
This conference included political leaders, senior retired civil servants, activists, experts and devotees who came together for the cause of a pollution free Ganga Posted on 21 Jul, 2012 11:26 AM

A round table conference was jointly organized by Ganga Sewa Mission (GSM), Hazrat Saleem Chisti Foundation (HSCF) and India International Centre (IIC) on 14th and 15th July in New Delhi. Nearly 100 persons participated in the two days conference held at IIC.

Cleansing of the river Ganga and the World Bank loan - An article in the Observer Research Foundation's Energy News Monitor
This article argues that it is necessary to take a holistic approach while dealing with pollution of the Ganga and then undertaking steps or measures to deal with it Posted on 19 Jul, 2012 09:52 AM

This article published in the Observer Research Foundation's Energy News Monitor reflects o

Assessment of the environmental flows requirements for the Upper Ganga basin: A report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (India)
This article presents the report brought out by WWF on 'Assessing flow requirements for the Upper Ganga' Posted on 22 Jun, 2012 02:27 PM

The Ganga is the most sacred river in the sub-continent, and revered by millions.It is also among the top ten rivers at risk. The key threat to the river is indiscriminate abstraction of water from the river, leavng it unable to maintain its ecological integrity or to satisfy the needs of riparian communities.

Water quality of the Bhagirathi, Ganga in the Himalayan region: A study by NEERI
This study of the water quality of the Ganga was commissioned after the construction of the Tehri Dam. It acknowledges that most people in India have a belief that water from the Ganga has bactericidal properties and this might be affected by the dam. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) was retained by the Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Limited (THDC) to investigate any impact that the Tehri Dam might have on the water quality of the Ganga. This report presents the results of that investigation. Posted on 19 May, 2012 05:00 PM

View of the Bhagirathi near Dharali, seen as a valley bound by snowy peaksThe Bhagirathi in its upper reaches, here seen near Dharali (Photo: Chicu Lokgariwar)

Teesta, Tipaimukh and riverlinking: Danger to Bangladesh-India relations – A paper in Economic and Political Weekly
This paper in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) by Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, University of Dhaka deals with the Supreme Court’s verdict directing the Government of India to implement the interlinking of rivers. The article opines that the judgement seems to have overlooked the regional and international implications of what the Indian Court strangely considers “the rivers of the country”. Posted on 06 May, 2012 11:25 AM

Bangladesh shares 54 rivers with India. Any unilateral action by India on any of its international rivers will degrade its relations with its neighbours while also adversely affecting its ecology, economy and society. Bangladesh being a riverine and a lower riparian country remains sensitive to matters of water, whether inland or maritime.

The status of glaciers in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region - A report by the ICIMOD
This study by ICIMOD provides a comprehensive account of the number and status of glaciers across the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region. Posted on 17 Feb, 2012 03:00 PM

The HKH region is one of the most dynamic, fragile, and complex mountain systems in the world as a result of tectonic activity and the rich diversity of climates, hydrology, and ecology. The high Himalayan region is the freshwater tower of South Asia and has the highest concentration of snow and glaciers outside the polar regions giving it the name Third Pole.

Balati glacier at sunset

Balati glacier, Pithoragarh district, Uttarakhand (Source: Uttarakhand and I)
