
High Level Expert Group on the Bhagirathi river lacks required expertise
High Level Expert Group on the Bhagirathi river lacks required expertise Posted on 28 Aug, 2008 10:05 PM

All is not well with the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) constituted on an order of the Government of India to determine the flow required to keep the Bhagirathi river 'alive and to ensure perennial environmental flow in the river'. It may be recalled that on June 30, 2008 the Government of India committed itself to "suitably ensure perennial environmental flow in all stretches of river Bhagirathi."This commitment was made in response to a representation of the Alumini Association of IIT- Kanpur to the Prime Minister of India requesting his intervention in the fast-unto-death undertaken by Dr. G.D. Agrawal , a former Dean of IIT-Kanpur -- to ensure the natural and uninterrupted flow of the Bhagirathi river between Gangotri and Dharasu (Uttarkashi). Subsequently the Ministry of Power, GoI, directed Shri R.S. Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director of NTPC, to constitute a high level expert group. The biggest problem with the HLEG is that it lacks the necessary scientific expertise to comprehensively address the issue. In a letter to Shri R.S. Sharma, rejecting his invitation to be a member of the HLEG, Dr G.D. Agrawal wrote, "Several members of the HLEG as constituted (including its Chairman) fall extremely short on any sort of expertise on river ecology and environmental flows...The commitment of most proposed members towards conservation of Bhagirathi Gangaji as the mother of India's faith, unity and culture is also questionable and I cannot afford to provide credibility to its deliberations and conclusions by being an ordinary member of the group."

Invitation for joining URAN PSI group
Several threats have emerged in recent years to the pristine Himalayan rivers of Uttarakhand. Posted on 18 May, 2008 10:48 PM

Several threats have emerged in recent years to the pristine Himalayan rivers of Uttarakhand. These include: (i) the proposed construction of 220 dams (ii) the drying up of rain fed rivers due to deforestation and deforestation of their catchments (iii) release of untreated sewage from river side towns and habitations and (iv) illegal sand mining of river beds.

Prof.G. D. Agrawal's satyagraha against the construction of dams on the Bhagirathi River
Prof.G. D. Agrawal's satyagraha against the construction of dams on the Bhagirathi River Posted on 17 May, 2008 09:08 AM

Pained by the unrelenting destruction of the Ganga river, especially by a series of dams in its upper reaches, Dr G.D. Agrawal, India's pre-eminent environmental quality scientist and a legendary Professor (and HoD) of Civil & Environmental Engineering at IIT-Kanpur. (Access:Biography Sketch Here) has decided to go on a fast-unto-death to oppose its continuing desecration. His conviction that we are staring at an unprecedented ecological and cultural catastrophe comes from his powerfully logical mind. Critique on proposed dams on Bhagirathi River. Access here: Critique on Dams

Environmental flows for Indian rivers:Need for a discussion to consider the health of the riverine ecosystems
Environmental flows for Indian rivers:Need for a discussion to consider the health of the riverine ecosystems Posted on 24 Apr, 2008 11:58 PM

India is facing a water crisis in nearly all the sectors. Fortunately or unfortunately, measures taken by the related authorities to combat the crisis often depends on the amount of 'noise' made by the relevant stakeholders. It is no wonder then, that the urban India, and especially the rich and the powerful in urban India, seldom have to face problems related to water scarcity, water quality or the sheer inequity in distribution. On the other hand, weaker the stakeholder, more severe are his ( rather 'her') problems. Marginal farmers, tail enders in a canal network, rural and urban poor, especially children and women, stand testimony to this situation. We all agree to this, right? Godavari Eflows

Godavari delta, destruction of mangroves 

But aren't we forgetting the the weakest, and in some ways, the strongest, of all the stakeholders? How about the ecosystem of the river itself??

Sankat Mochan Foundation and the Ganga
Sankat Mochan Foundation and the Ganga Posted on 15 Dec, 2007 07:31 AM

veer-bhadra-mishra.jpg How polluted are our rivers? Assessments vary, but all point to serious contamination.

More on Discovery Channel's "Ganges" series
More on Discovery Channel's "Ganges" series Posted on 23 Nov, 2007 01:19 AM

Madhu Ramaswamy follows up after several people expressed their appreciation of this series on the blog Our posting about Discovery Channel's television series 'Ganges' has attracted several responses from readers, some of whom are under the mistaken impression that we are associated with the series. We would like to clarify that India Water Portal was merely drawing viewers' attention to this highly interesting series. We are not (alas!) involved in its production. We'd like to hear from blog readers their thoughts about the series. We're also trying to contact Discovery ourselves. Viewers who wish to send in their comments on the series could also get in touch with Discovery Channel directly at this link: ( For an understanding of our role and activities in the water sector, please see our weblink: According to the Discovery Channel website, the series will continue to air on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday next week.

Floods in Northeastern India - Images from NASA
NASA's Earth Observatory website has striking pictures of flooding on Brahmaputra in September, 2007. Posted on 04 Nov, 2007 02:29 PM

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite captured images of flooded Brahmaputra River.
