
Dealing with arsenic in rural Bihar - Evaluating the successes and failures of mitigation projects
Arsenic is a toxin that is commonly found in the ground water of shallow aquifers in the Ganges River Delta.This research focuses on the social and economic factors that influence the successes and failures of different arsenic mitigation projects and will provide a strategy on how to handle the arsenic issue in the upcoming years. Posted on 21 Feb, 2013 11:51 PM

Article Courtesy: Delft University of Technology

Author(s): Matthijs Brouns, Merijn Janssen, Andrew Wong

Assessing the environmental flows for Kumbh Mela- 2013 at Triveni Sangam, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh- A document by World Wildlife Fund India
A document on the rapid assessment of the environmental flows for the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, by the World Wildlife Fund, India Posted on 04 Feb, 2013 03:49 PM

This document by the World Wildlife Fund India, is on the rapid assessment done on the Environmental Flows(E-Flows) for Kumbh Mela that is taking place in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Delhi’s draft water policy released - Roundup of the week’s news (January 21 -27, 2013)
A weekly roundup of the news from January 21 - 27, 2013 Posted on 28 Jan, 2013 08:14 PM

Delhi’s draft water policy

Living rivers, dying rivers: River Yamuna
The second lecture was on the Yamuna river by Prof. Brij Gopal, former Prof. at JNU, and Manoj Misra, PEACE Institute and Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan. Posted on 25 Jan, 2013 12:06 AM


Yamuna river flowing through Agra
Compendium of sewage treatment technologies by Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
The data gathered for this project was assimilated for determination of treatment efficiency, treatment cost and land requirements of various technological options available for sewage treatment. Posted on 24 Jan, 2013 04:14 PM

This compendium of sewage treatment technologies by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur has been prepared, based on primary and secondary data gathered from operation of sewage treatment plants (STPs) in the country over the last two decades.

Process of formation of Jajmau Area Water Partnership in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh – Problems and solutions
Industrial effluents and sewage water are being diverted to the river Ganga by the cities and towns through which it passes. Nestled on the banks of Ganga, Kanpur, a highly urbanized and industrial city is polluting it most. Apart from the Government of India’s recently constituted National Ganga River Basin Authority, civil societies and NGOs too are putting rigorous efforts to make Ganga pollution free. Though the city has several big and small industries, the leather industries located in Jajmau, the oldest part of the city add to the problem of pollution in the river to a large extent. Posted on 13 Jan, 2013 12:01 PM

Industrial effluents and sewage water are being diverted to the river Ganga by the cities and towns through which it passes. Nestled on the banks of Ganga, Kanpur, a highly urbanized and industrial city is polluting it most. Apart from the Government of India’s recently constituted National Ganga River Basin Authority, civil societies and NGOs too are putting rigorous efforts to make Ganga pollution free. Though the city has several big and small industries, the leather industries located in Jajmau, the oldest part of the city add to the problem of pollution in the river to a large extent.

Join Matri Sadan in their fight to save the Ganga from indiscriminate mining!
A corrupt State, police, and mining mafia- these are the opponents that the members of Matri Sadan face as they struggle to save the Ganga. 'The saints of Matri Sadan' is a short film that documents this struggle. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 12:11 PM


"Ministry of Environment & Forests held responsible for high levels of pollution in major Indian rivers" - The Resource and Information Network for the Coasts' January 2013 newsletter
"Ministry of Environment & Forests held responsible for high levels of pollution in major Indian rivers" - The Resource and Information Network for the Coasts' January 2013 newsletter Posted on 01 Jan, 2013 10:45 PM


The January edition of the TRINet has the following highlights:

Hopeful after 28 years- Veer Bhadra Mishra gives a TEDx talk about the Swatcha Ganga campaign
In this talk, Dr Veer Bhadra Mishra talks of the high levels of pollution of the river Ganga and the need to find a solution through a mix of science and tradition Posted on 24 Oct, 2012 12:44 PM

Veer Bhadra Mishra has been working on the Swacha Ganga Campaign for the last 25 years.

"My Ganga, my dolphin" - WWF-India's initiative to map the Ganges River Dolphin throughout 2800 km of the Ganges from 5th-7th October, 2012
This article describes the efforts made by WWF India to conserve and spread awareness about the Gangetic dolphin among the local communities Posted on 05 Oct, 2012 07:56 AM

WWF-India, one of India’s leading conservation organizations with programmes and projects spread across the country, in partnership with the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department and under the aegis of the HSBC - supported “