"My Ganga, my dolphin" - WWF-India's initiative to map the Ganges River Dolphin throughout 2800 km of the Ganges from 5th-7th October, 2012

WWF-India, one of India’s leading conservation organizations with programmes and projects spread across the country, in partnership with the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department and under the aegis of the HSBC - supported “Rivers for Life, Life for Rivers” program is conducting a three day awareness program, “My Ganga, My Dolphin” in and around Uttar Pradesh from 5th to 7th October 2012.

The campaign, being launched to survey the number of Ganges river dolphins present across a 2800 km stretch of the river Ganga and its tributaries (Yamuna, Son, Ken, Betwa, Ghagra, and Geruwa) will also look at raising awareness among local communities in and around the banks of the Ganga about the presence and conservation of the national aquatic animal as well as help in capacity building of stakeholders associated with the conservation of the mammal. The total number of dolphins found in the stretch will be announced by Shri Akhilesh Yadav, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on 7th October 2012. The campaign will be flagged off on 5th October 2012 by Shri Raja Mahendra Aridaman Singh, Hon’ble Minister of Transport, Uttar Pradesh.

A Ganges river dolphin seen from above the water

The Ganges river dolphin (Image courtesy: Sandeep Behera/WWF-India)

The Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) commonly known as the "Susu" or “Soons” is an endemic fauna of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna river systems and is one of the four freshwater dolphins of the world. Preferring to stay in deep waters in and around the confluence of two or more rivers, the mammal shares its habitat with crocodiles, freshwater turtles and wetland birds many of which are fish eaters and are potential competitors with dolphins. Often known as the “Tiger of the Ganges” the river dolphin is an indicator animal and has the same position in a river ecosystem as a tiger in a forest, its presence indicating a sign of a healthy river ecosystem.

Talking about the campaign, Mr. Ravi Singh, SG & CEO, WWF-India, mentioned that “the Ganges river dolphin, the national aquatic animal of India, is a unique charismatic mega- fauna and an indicator species for the river ecosystem. The rapid decline in the number of dolphins across the country is of great concern and needs immediate attention. WWF-India has adopted the Ganges river dolphin as a species of special concern and its work in the Upper Ganga river in the state of Uttar Pradesh has only confirmed that habitat and aquatic biodiversity conservation can succeed when the government, communities and civil society collaborate and work together towards this end.” This campaign commemorates the third anniversary of the declaration of the Gangetic River Dolphin as the National Aquatic Animal.

Over the last few years the distribution range of these dolphins has shrunk drastically, with their population being adversely affected by various developmental activities like the construction of dams and barrages resulting in lean river flows, indiscriminate fishing, heavy siltation of rivers due to deforestation, pollution of the river and habitat destruction. While the population of dolphin in 1982 was estimated to be between 4000-5000 in India, now it is less than 2000 with an annual mortality estimated to be at 130-160 animals. The mammal is now listed in Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and categorized as “Endangered” by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and enjoys high levels of legal protection, nationally and internationally.

Mr. Suresh Babu - Director - River Basins & Water Policy, WWF-India, speaking about the campaign said “The campaign "My Dolphin, My Ganga" jointly organised by WWF-India, under the HSBC Water Program and the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department, aims to spread the message on collaborative action for conservation and conduct a dolphin census across the state of Uttar Pradesh.”

WWF-India adopted the Ganges River Dolphin as a species of special concern and initiated a Ganges River Dolphin Conservation programme in 1997.The organization also conducted the first ever Scientific Status Survey of the species in the country in collaboration with network partners. In the process, more than 20 rivers were surveyed, covering a distance of approximately 6000 km and several river stretches in the country were identified as ideal habitats for Ganges River Dolphin population and hence for prioritized conservation action. WWF-India has also formulated a strategy and Action Plan for the Ganges River Dolphin conservation for the state of Uttar Pradesh with the help of the State Forest Department and established partner networks for Ganges River Dolphin Conservation in the country.

Talking of the need to conduct this survey, Dr. Sandeep Behera- Associate Director, Rivers Basins & Biodiversity, WWF-India, said “WWF-India estimated a population of 600 river dolphins in the rivers of Uttar Pradesh during 2005. Since then, no comprehensive census of the species has been done. We hope to have the current population status of the species by the end of this campaign and develop an action plan for its conservation in Uttar Pradesh.”

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Post By: chicu