
Call for Proposals in the area of Geosciences/Seismicity - Ministry of Earth Sciences
Posted on 31 Jan, 2011 04:04 PM

Ministry of Earth Sciences, the nodal agency for promotion of Earth Sciences related studies in the country, plans to launch i) a major programme in Andaman & Nicobar Island to understand the geodynamics of the region and ii) to develop damage scenarios for various Urban centers that lie in the vicinity of Himalaya.

  • Proposals are solicited from scientists/academicians working in relevant areas at different institutions in the country.  Proposals may be submitted to address any of the following issues:
    1. Crustal structure studies: delineation of deep structures by seismological (including ocean bottom seismometer), seismic, heat flow and gravity methods, and surface or shallow subsurface structures using GPR, shallow seismic, resistivity, geological methods, etc.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Borlaug Fellowship Program in India
Posted on 31 Jan, 2011 02:02 PM

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pleased to announce the 2011 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) for India. The Borlaug Fellowship Program promotes food security and economic growth by increasing scientific knowledge and collaborative research to improve agricultural productivity. The Program offers training and collaborative opportunities in agricultural research, international agricultural economics, leadership and policy to Indian researchers. Competitively selected fellows will work one-on-one with a U.S. mentor who will coordinate the Fellow’s training. After completion of the 6-12 week fellowship, the mentor will visit the fellow’s home institution for up to 10 days to continue collaboration on the research topic. The USDA will select U.S. host institutions and mentors for each Fellow. The 2011 Borlaug Fellowship Program is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).

Targeted Research Areas:

  • Food Security and Nutrition
    1. Advancing agricultural production through biotechnology
    2. Technical and policy research and development
Annual International Water Convention, India Water Forum (IWF) 2011, 13th - 15th April 2011, New Delhi
Posted on 25 Jan, 2011 01:25 PM

India Water ForumOrganizer: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi


  • Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities
Conference on Waste Management in India, Indian Infrastructure, 9th-10th March, 2011, The Imperial, New Delhi
Posted on 25 Jan, 2011 01:06 PM

Indian InfrastructureOrganizer: Indian Infrastructure

Venue: The Imperial, New Delhi

Theme: Waste Management in India: Trends and Opportunities, Issues and Challenges

Invitation to register for participating in the UNDP/GEF Global Solar Water Heating Project
Posted on 19 Jan, 2011 02:38 PM

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing a National Programme on Solar Water Heating aimed at peak shaving, conservation of electricity and fossil fuels and providing a clean, non-polluting solution for water heating in housing, institutional, commercial and industrial sectors.  About 4 million sqm. of collector area has so far been installed in the country.  A target of 5 million sqm. of collector area has been set for the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12).  The web-site of the Ministry may be visited for information about the National Solar Water Heating Programme and the Guidelines for Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar Applications under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). 

Whose water? Privatisation of water, a bane for consumers
All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs? Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:47 PM

All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs?

EU - India S&T Cooperation Funding opportunities Info Day and Training
Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 12:16 PM


Organiser: EUINEC CSIR, New Delhi

Venue: CSIR National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur

The Event is hosted by the CSIR National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. The comprehensive One Day programme includes presentations from representatives from the European Commission, CSIR National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, CSIR National Chemical Laboratory and CSIR- Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute. Indian Institutions who have previously participated in European projects will share their experiences and the New Indigo project will present the funding opportunities offered within the Networking Pilot Programme. The training is implemented by experienced European experts on FP7.

Call for papers - 6th biennial conference - Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE)
Posted on 14 Jan, 2011 03:48 PM

Content Courtesy: The International Society for Ecological Economics

The Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) on “Nature, Economy and Society: Understanding the Linkages” will be held during 20-22 October, 2011 at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad. The conference shall address a diverse repertoire of issues at the interface of nature, economy and society and explore how to use the understanding for policy formulation.

WaterAid is looking for the position of Finance Officer based in New Delhi
Posted on 14 Jan, 2011 03:27 PM

Forwarded to the portal by: Chandra Ganapathy, WaterAid

WaterAid IndiaBased in: New Delhi

Salary: The package for the position will be around Rs.6.5 lakh Gross per annum

WaterAid is an international nongovernmental organisation focused exclusively on improving poor people’s access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation in developing countries. WaterAid is an equal opportunities employer.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Training, February 16-17, 2011, Delhi
Posted on 14 Jan, 2011 01:54 PM

NGO Forum on ADB

Organizer: NGO Forum on Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Venue: Delhi, India


NGO Forum on ADB (Forum) is pleased to announce its regular Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) training 2011 in Delhi (India). The participants are welcome from people’s organisation, community based organizations and NGOs from South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and Mekong Region who does not have specific professional knowledge on environment, but have initial ADB project monitoring experience and working with related documents and who needs practical knowledge of environment monitoring and environment impact assessment under any ADB and other IFIs funded projects in respective countries.
