Call for papers - 6th biennial conference - Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE)

Content Courtesy: The International Society for Ecological Economics

The Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) on “Nature, Economy and Society: Understanding the Linkages” will be held during 20-22 October, 2011 at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad. The conference shall address a diverse repertoire of issues at the interface of nature, economy and society and explore how to use the understanding for policy formulation. The discussion of issues is expected to cover cutting-edge conceptual and methodological advances being made in the different disciplines and also address current policy relevant problems in the area of environment, development and social justice. Papers of the following genres in all sub-themes are especially welcome:

  • Those that evaluate completed and ongoing government programmes and policies ( in particular in South Asia) in terms of contribution to conservation and future growth and examine challenges in formulating and implementing policies.
  • Those that use and assess methodological pluralism vis-a-vis examining nature across disciplines.

We expect to attract papers, panels and symposia that will focus on the themes and sub themes identified below.

  • Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services for Life and Human Well- being:
  1. Biodiversity, its measurement, linkages to ecosystem resilience and human welfare
  2. Conservation of ecosystems, issues, trade-off with development, restoration of ecosystems, conservation benefits, importance of living systems (such as rivers, wetlands and others) for wellbeing
  3. Specific ecosystems and provision for sustainable livelihood: mountain, riverine, forest, fresh water, coastal, and marine ecosystems
  4. Valuation of ecosystem services, importance, methodological issues, non-linearity and double counting
  • Accounting for Nature:
  1. Macro and Micro economic approaches
  2. Factoring in environment into development indices; Green GDP, real savings, measurement of natural capital,
  3. Role of time preference and intergenerational issues
  • Global and Local Impact of Economic Growth, Trade and Globalisation on the Environment (at different scales):
  1. Climate Change, Impact on different sectors, Adaption and mitigation measures
  2. Trade, globalisation and land use change
  3. Economic growth, technology and environmental impacts
  • Alternative Approaches to Nature and Society and Assessing the Role of Knowledge and Power
  1. Bioeconomics, Entropy and the economic process
  2. The System Resilience approach to analysing social-ecological systems
  3. Complexity Research: Robustness and Innovation in Evolutionary Systems
  4. Integrated Ecosystem modelling including that of Energy and Climate Change
  5. The Social Ecology Approach
  6. The Environmental History Perspective
  7. Assessing the degree of objectivity of ‘ scientific’ knowledge’ and the degree of uncertainty and risk
  • Social Norms, Culture and Human Behaviour in relation to the Environment:
  1. Social Ethical implications of increasing consumption (including ‘over-consumption’) and advances in technology, (in particular recent advances such as biotechnology);
  2. Social norms: the influence of lifestyles and environmental awareness programmes
  3. Institutional frameworks for sustainable resource use
  4. Conflicts, Values, Claims and Responsibilities: the viewpoints of different stakeholder and alternative approaches to valuations
  • Towards Green and Sustainable Socio-economic Systems:
  1. Ecological agriculture,
  2. Energy efficient and non-polluting industry,
  3. Dematerialising growth and
  4. Sustainable urban habitats
  • Equity and Governance Issues in relation to the global, national and local commons:
  1. Equitable Sharing of the Commons:
  2. Access to technology, International Financial Transfers: mechanisms and impediments: Benefit sharing with indigenous peoples,
  3. Design Rules and Conditions for Institutions ensuring equitable use..

A limited amount of travel grant is available to support some of the participants with papers accepted for presentation in the Conference. Selected papers from those presented in the Conference are expected to be published in a book by INSEE.

The INSEE invites papers on the above themes and sub-themes for presentation at the conference. Kindly mention the theme/sub-theme within which your paper falls. A 400 word abstract is to be submitted latest by February 28, 2011. On communication of acceptance of abstract (by March 31, 2011), the full paper of 12,000 words (maximum) would need to be submitted for refereeing latest by May 15, 2011. Final acceptance will be communicated by August 31, 2011. Abstract and full papers, preferably in soft copy.

Click here for more details

Contact Details:
Dr. Sushil Kumar Sen
Office Manager, INSEE
C/o. Institute of Economic Growth
University of Delhi Enclave (North Campus)
Delhi-110007 (India)
Fax: 011-27667410,

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Post By: rajshekar