Constructing a home made water filter with a flow rate of 200ltr/hr in Trivandrum, Kerala : Need advice

I am residing in Nemom Panchayat in Trivandrum, Kerala. The water supplied by my Panchayath is not properly filtered. Especially in rainy days the water looks as dirty as direct river water.For…

Brackish water transport from river bed to plant site in Kolkata, West Bengal : Need advice on using cathodic protection methods

We need to transport about 2000 m3/Hr brackish water (TDS-3500) from the river bed to the plant site at a disance of 16 KM . Can you please guide which of the following materials should be…

Bad approach roads prevent borewell drilling in Chromepet, Chennai, TN : Need advice on portable borewell equipment to solve the problem

My house in in New Colony, Chromepet, Chennai. The water level in our well is currently low and does not meet our needs. This has forced us to go in for a borewell. But the road for the last 100…

Pure water supply during floods and other calamities : Need information on technology and methods

I would like to request all experts/NGOs/Industries to suggest how safe water can be supplied during the natural calamity like flood, where water is available but no provision for filtration,…

Bleaching powder usage ratios to clean water storage tanks and safety concerns

I am staying in a flat where 30,000 litre capacity water storage tank is in use. Two days ago our flat care taker added 400gm of bleaching powder to the tank. Now the drinking water after…

Water level indicator for overhead tank in an apartment in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu : Need the name and vendor contacts for the visual cue model

I am living in an apartment near Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu. For our overhead tank, we wish to install a water level indicator. There are automatic electronic water level indicators available in the…

Sewage treatment plant cost and contacts needed in Mysore, Karnataka.
We are in the process of taking up a property development project in Mysore. There would be 120 apartments, considering 5 members on an average it may be 600 occupants, if all attendants,…
Fish pond cleaning troubles - Need advice in opting for a better motor or method

I have a fishpond inside my house partly under the staircase and the connecting area between the drawing and dining area. It is open to the sky through skylights that are covered with transparent…

Need advice on low cost pumps with discharge 0.3-0.5m3/h in Jaipur, Rajasthan

Based in Jaipur, I am looking at issues around saving women's water collection time in the Thar desert using small pumps and PE pipes to pump 5000 litres/day from distance of 2000m with total…

Problems with the submersible pump and delivery pipe : Schematic sketch attached

Few months back we purchased a new Openwell Submersible Pump for our Apartment. 2 HP, 1¼ " Suction and 1¼" Delivery for a head of 70 Mts. We have connected the delivery of the new pump to an…

Reasons for the milky colour in freshly drawn water

I have noticed that sometimes when we open a tap to take water, the color of water is milky, but after standing it for a few seconds, minutes it becomes colorless without any residue at bottom of…

Borewell casing pipe stuck at 60m in Nepal : Need advice on causes and remedies

The borewell was drilled by percussion method up to 116 m and extended after few days up to 125 m.  The casing pipe could be lowered only upto 60 m, after which it is blocked. Further tries could…

Necessity of weights & measures department stamping for water meter : Factory using river water for equipment cooling

We are using water in our factory for machine cooling and general use (drinking etc) for this we are drawing water from river and installed a water meter ( calibrated & approved by Irrigation…

White scales due to hard water in Kolkata, West Bengal: Need remedies

We have shifted to Kolkata one year back, and use municipal water here.

All the glass and steel surfaces of our utensils have shown white cement like deposits. Even proper cleaning has…

Traditional waterbodies in Delhi: Need historical data to be compared with the present status

I am a research scholar from Delhi University working on the declining status of traditional waterbodies (ponds,lakes) in Delhi. And also the environmental impact of construction sites related to…

Need information on standards and current practices for septic tanks & sewage treatment

I am working for a USAID project in India. Currently we are interested in collecting information regarding the specified standards for septic tank, and sewage treatments in general. Would like to…

Rural RWH projects in the North East: Request for well-documented Information

Hello Folks,

I am assisting Mr. Vishwanath on a series of desk studies of domestic RWH projects implemented in rural areas of Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and the North Eastern…

Need information on funding sources for water and sanitation projects and any obstacles in the process

From S. Damodaran, WaterPartners International India Liaison Office, Tiruchirappalli
Posted 21 August 2008


Standard practices and recommendations for using hard water for construction

What are the recommendations regarding the use of hard water(440 ppm/l) for construction /curing cement? Are there any guidelines, standards that decide the quality of water used for construction…

Need reasons for increased line pressure and its impact on water treatment plant : Need a better design to be implemented

     We have recently installed a water treatment plant  for our apartments. We have installed this during the summer season. A 2 HP submersible pump of Kirloskar make is connected to the…
