Rural RWH projects in the North East: Request for well-documented Information

Hello Folks,

I am assisting Mr. Vishwanath on a series of desk studies of domestic RWH projects implemented in rural areas of Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and the North Eastern States.  Just to provide a little more context about these studies, our research is being conducted in tandem with RWH studies in 19 other countries worldwide, and this data will help inform the development of a pilot project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to test an enterprise-based approach to bringing low-cost RWH to water-scarce rural areas worldwide.

Thank you all for your responses to Vishwanath's question about details of storage systems.  We have identified our focus projects in 3 of the 4 regions, but have as yet been unable to locate a focus in the North Eastern States.  We would like to know if anyone may have suggestions of rural RWH projects in the region worth investigating.  Because of the degree of detail required by the questionnaires, we are particularly interested in projects that are either well-documented or whose administrators have access to considerable knowledge about all aspects of the project.

Thank you in advance for your input.

Nathan Stell
