Necessity of weights & measures department stamping for water meter : Factory using river water for equipment cooling

We are using water in our factory for machine cooling and general use (drinking etc) for this we are drawing water from river and installed a water meter ( calibrated & approved by Irrigation Dept.) for the same. Is it necessary for the water meter to be stamped / calibrated by the Weights and Measure Dept.? We are aluminium sheet manufacturing unit and are not using water for production/selling purpose.

We feel that stamping from Weights & Measure dept. is only required for Water Meters where water is used for making final products such as Mineral water,Distilled water, cold drinks,or any such products where water is used as raw material to manufacture the
final product. Kindly clarify with regard to this issue.

Details of our meter :    Make: INCONEL- Pune
                                          Model: Vortex.: 3069-60-W
                                          Meter size(line size): 6 inch.
                                          Material: S.S 316,S.S.304
                                          Flow indicator Totaliser
                                          Fluid: Water
                                          Flow range: Min-20CU meter/hr, Max-630cumeter/hr.
                                          Temp: Min-0degC, Max-50degC.

