Need advice on low cost pumps with discharge 0.3-0.5m3/h in Jaipur, Rajasthan

Based in Jaipur, I am looking at issues around saving women's water collection time in the Thar desert using small pumps and PE pipes to pump 5000 litres/day from distance of 2000m with total dynamic head of up to 60m. Sources may be greater or less than suction limit of 6m, but rarely over 20m.

Options are electric submersible borehole pump from mains or solar, or treadle pump.  To reduce pipeline costs, pumping hours need to be as long as possible. Where electricity is available, it is generally for 8 hours/day. Electric pumping can be for 16 hours a day with battery standby. Treadle pumping could be in rotation for 10-12 hours/day. I need a reliable low cost pump with discharge of 0.3-0.5 m3/h against 60m head (centrifugal, turbine or positive displacement) pump with alternative power sources. Any suggestions?

Stephen Brichieri-Colombi
