Climate change real, warns Pangi tribe
The effects of climate change are felt by the indigenous communities residing in the Himalayan region. How are they coping with these changes?
Chandrabhaga river through Pangi valley, Himachal Pradesh (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Skymet Weather releases kharif crop estimate 2019
With over 50 percent of the cultivable area being rain-fed, the farm economy could be in a precarious situation with the ongoing rain deficiency.
Cotton production in the country is expected to go up by 10 percent as compared to last year. (Image: Kimberly Vardeman, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)
Air pollution surges to emergency levels in India
Measures to deal with air pollution inadequate and poorly implemented in India due to lack of political will.
Narratives from Korba in Chhattisgarh is proof that breathing the dust laden air near the power plant is injurious to health. (Image: Ishan Tankha)
Food security with flood, drought-resistant rice crops
New drought and flood tolerant rice varieties can ease water constraints and ensure food security, study says.
Determining the long-term effects of the flood-tolerant rice variety Swarna-Sub1. (Image: Centre for Effective Global Action)
GHG emissions, water footprints of dietary patterns
Rice-based diets had higher emissions but wheat-based diets used more water, says study.
As India continues in its nutrition transition, people currently consuming the rice and low diversity pattern will be likely to adopt more diverse diets (Image: Senthil T S K, Wikimedia Commons)
Caste and farmer’s access to quality information
A study finds that farmers from socially-marginalised castes continue to be disadvantaged in accessing agricultural extension services.
Access to information helps improve crop output among farmers. (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Understanding the Yamuna and life around it
A panel of experts and representatives of the riverine community discuss changes observed in the Yamuna and its relationship with people.
The Yamuna river and its people (Image: Shashwat Jain, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0)
Revolutionising coastal monitoring, one social media photo at a time
A citizen science project led by engineers from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, is using crowd-sourced photos to understand changing coastlines.
Dr Mitchel Harley (far right) at the installation of a CoastSnap station in Fiji. Photo credit: Navneet Lal
High levels of arsenic found in groundwater in Uttar Pradesh
Study finds 2.34 crore people in rural UP exposed to high levels of arsenic in groundwater
Arsenic concentration in groundwater of Uttar Pradesh shown by blue, green and red circles. Image courtesy: India Science Wire
Monsoon to arrive late, less rain expected: Skymet
The forecast shows monsoon to begin under the shadow of El Niño and could be below normal across all four regions.
Monsoon in Sikkim Himalayas (Image: Marina, Wikimedia Commons, CC-A-2.0-Generic)
Study throws new light on evolution of northern Indian Ocean
Samples from the Laxmi Basin uncover fascinatingly complex evolution of Indian Ocean
Dr. Pandey in discussion with other members of the expedition. Image credit: India Science Wire
Environmental implications of Pancheshwar dam
A study assesses risks associated with Pancheshwar dam in the light of environmental impact observed for the Tehri project.
The proposed Pancheshwar dam raises concern about safety due to seismicity, slope instability and large sediment mobilization. (Image: Vimal Bhai)
Borewells: Boon or bane for women?
A study shows that although borewells have improved women’s access to water in the short term, they have increased water insecurity and the suffering of women in the long term.
Collecting water, a daily backbreaking task of women. (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Reservoir storage in western India below normal: CWC
CWC's latest data raises concern over water availability and the country's preparedness to deal with shortages in western India and parts of southern India.
Mulshi dam reservoir in Maharashtra (Image: Rohit Gowaikar, Wikimedia Commons)