How can forecasting of extreme rainfall events be improved?
Greater precision in forecast of extreme events is critical.
Villages under water which gushed in as Cyclone Aila struck south 24 Parganas. Image credit: Anil Gulati from IWP Flickr. Image used for representational purposes only.
Urbanization, changing cropping patterns contributing to temperature rise
Study shows land use changes responsible for higher temperatures
Image credit: Sourabh Phadke from India Water Portal on Flickr
The need for survival edge technology
Decentralised communitarian technology can mitigate the water crises facing us today.
Digging an open well that had some water at lesser depths ranging from 5-10 m using local technology in which a motor run winch draws up the dug up mud from the well bottom. (Image: Rahul Banerjee)
How millets can make India’s food basket climate-resilient
Study reveals millets can mitigate effects of climate change on rainfed agriculture, thus improving food security.
Millets. Image source: Wikimedia Commons
Digging deeper to cope with droughts
A study finds that farmers in south India continue to rely on borewells rather than investing in water conservation structures or demand management strategies to cope with droughts.
Coping with droughts, a challenge for farmers (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Women hold the key to water for food security and nutrition
Study reveals women are central to both food production and preparation, as well as to domestic water provisioning.
A woman from the Ahir tribe at Chapredi village, east of Bhuj with cotton husks. (Image: Meena Kadri, Flickr Commons, CC BY-ND 2.0
Nal se Jal: hit or miss?
An analysis of the new Nal se Jal scheme, promising drinking water to every household in India by 2024.
Image for representational purposes only. Image credit: India Water Portal on Flickr
Economics of land degradation: India’s new environment targets
What are India's plans for managing its natural resources, undertaking sustainable land management and combating droughts?
Minister of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar with representatives of UNCCD, IUCN and other panelists at the June 17th meeting. (Photo: DD News Hindi)
Temperatures in India becoming more extreme
A study found that intensification of croplands through replacement of forests can impact long term temperature trends.
The stretch below the Koyna dam in Satara district looks parched at the end of the summer of 2014 as the reservoirs went dry (Image: Ashwin Arun Yadav, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Engage local communities to protect marine life: study
Study shows need for awareness, involvement of local stakeholders to protect marine life
Gorgonians, one of the highly traded species, which is protected under WLPA (Photo : Vardhan Patankar)
From water to agriculture, well-being and beyond
While WOTR’s work has contributed to improving SDG outcomes, what are the learnings from the efforts made by the organisation to map and identify the pathways that have brought about this change?
WOTR’s holistic approach integrates environmental, social and development challenges. (Image Source: WOTR)
India, in the eye of a storm!
The incidence and intensity of tropical cyclonic storms during monsoons is increasing in India. Can historical analysis help understand and cope with them better?
A cyclonic storm that hit India in 2016 (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Unravelling NITI Aayog’s Composite Water Management Index: Veering to a pragmatic approach
An analysis of the effectiveness of the Composite Water Management Index as a policy-making tool
Image for representational purposes only. Image credit: India Water Portal
Surya Ganga: A film review
The film Surya Ganga makes a case for a shift in India’s energy policy towards renewable sources.
Ganga's riverflow near Dhari Devi temple in Uttarakhand (Image: SuryaGanga Facebook Page)