Could the water towers of Asia be drying up soon?
As climate change and urbanisation threaten water security in the HKH region, there is an urgent need for good water governance.
A view of the Himalayas. (Source: IWP Flickr photos--photo for representation purpose only)
Number crunching helps farmers manage water
Calculating water availability and crop budgeting can prevent over-extraction of groundwater and mounting farm debt.
The weather station at Randullabad that helps farmers plan their crops. (Photo by Manu Moudgil)
Technology helps provide access to safe drinking water
Piramal Sarvajal's water ATMs are a good example of community-level decentralised drinking water solutions that are sustainable.
Piramal Sarvajal’s water ATM.
Solar pumps solve irrigation trouble
Solar irrigation pumps have been hailed as a one stop solution to meet the irrigation needs of the farmers as they provide sustainable energy at a cheap price.
New employment has been created as a result of the pilot in the form of the S-ISPs and their operators which will increase considerably if the project is scaled up. (Image: IWMI)
An integrated approach to water quality management
Chemical contamination of drinking water is a significant health concern in India, one we haven’t realised the magnitude of. Practitioners across sectors must come together to tackle this issue.
Photo courtesy: Arjun Swaminathan
Dumping waste effectively
Three environment-friendly ways of disposing of human waste have proven effective in various districts of Chhattisgarh.
Evapotranspiration community toilet at Shankarnagar, Kumhari (Source: India Water Portal)
Smart farming changes farms, fortunes in Bengal
Farmers of West Bengal are resorting to rice transplanters and zero tiller machines to save water and labour cost and to increase productivity.
Gulam Mustafa with the rice planter. (Photo by Gurvinder Singh)
Protecting Surajpur wetland
Surajpur wetland faces the threat of habitat loss because of the proliferating real estate development in the area.
The forest department and local activists discuss the threats on Surajpur, an urban wetland encroached upon by private real estate as well as the government. (Image: India Water Portal)
Hazardous waste rules amended
Policy matters this week
Different types of plastic waste displayed at a sanitation park. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Women and Water
On International Women's Day today, we take a look at the critical connects between gender and water.
Women and water: a critical connect
Plastic on the green menu
Expanding tourism has led to increasing generation of garbage and plastic wastes in natural reserves in Uttarakhand. Wild animals feast on this garbage increasing their risk of plastic consumption.
Mountains of garbage can attract a range of animals that feast on it. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)