Climate change affects glacier health
A study suggests chances of half of the glaciers in Satluj basin disappearing by 2050.
A glimpse of The Himalayas. Photo: Pixabay
What happens when you throw away pencil cells?
Study reveals how tossing of dry cell batteries in our dustbins poisons the environment.
The evolving framework of end-of-life battery management could be inclusive of the informal chain of collectors and segregators. (Image: Toxics Link)
Only 37 percent of world’s long rivers free flowing
A study finds out dams and reservoirs diminish diverse benefits offered by healthy rivers.
Pancheshwar dam on Mahakali river is feared to break the natural flow connectivity of river. (Image: Vimal Bhai)
Evacuation measures during cyclones in Odisha
Study indicates need for institutional capacity-building programmes in order to have high compliance with evacuation orders during cyclones.
The trail of destruction after cyclone Phailin in Odisha on October 15, 2013 (Image: EU/ECHO, Samuel Marie Fanon; Flickr Commons, CC BY-ND 2.0)
What women want
As India votes this month in the Lok Sabha Elections, WaterAid India takes a look at how water and sanitation are still top of mind for many female voters across the country.
Image credit: WaterAid/Prashanth Vishwanathan
Coping with droughts: Gender matters
A study finds women are hit the hardest during droughts due to food and water scarcity, loss of income and a range of health problems resulting from it.
Women are burdened with household tasks such as collecting water. (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Earthquake-triggering stresses travel far
Study finds man-made earthquakes triggered by fracking and dams not localised.
The destruction after an earthquake. Photo by Krish Dulal via Wikimedia commons
Breaking period taboo
A sanitary pad manufacturing unit in a Rajasthan village brings women together and breaks taboo around menstruation.
Women at a manufacturing unit in Wali village that produces biodegradable sanitary pads at a low cost. (Image: India Water Portal)
Mapping pollution hotspots in Yamuna
A sensor network system is being used for mapping and monitoring the water quality of river Yamuna.
A project, conceptualised by a team of researchers from the University of Chicago, US helps demonstrate that scalable water quality mapping systems can detect and predict water contamination (Image:India Water Portal)
Understanding water footprint of cereals in India
Changes in cereal production practices can contribute to improved efficiency of water use in India.
Cereals and millets at a bazaar in Nizampet, Hyderabad (image: Aditya Madhav, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Water management: Still a neglected electoral issue?
India is facing a major water crisis and a number of water sector challenges remain unaddressed even today.
India's water woes need urgent attention. (Image Source: India Water Portal)