How bio-restoration is helping revive degraded mangroves in Sunderbans
A new technology developed by Indian scientists is helping in revival of mangroves degraded due to rising sea levels, climate change and human intrusion in the Sunderbans in West Bengal.
A restored site of degraded mangroves. Image credit: India Science Wire
Indore leads the way in making its lakes pollution-free
Floating 'islands' give new lease of life to a lake in Indore
An attempt to make our lakes pollution free (Image: Clean Water)
Farm ponds change farmers’ fortunes
While farm ponds in Jharkhand have helped farmers increase yields, they have also exposed them to the risk of price fluctuations, highlighting the need for ‘beyond the farm’ interventions.
Farm ponds are one way to deal with water scarcity (Image Source: India Water Portal Flickr photos)
How to restrict crops to geographically sustainable areas: The case of arecanut in Tumkur
Arecanut farmers in Karnataka are reeling from dipping groundwater levels and infrequent water supply for irrigation. In this article, some solutions are proposed.
Young arecanut trees grown in drylands of Tumkur region (Gubbi Taluk, Hodalur Village) Pic Credit: Chandana Eswar
Aerosols increase drought severity over the Indian subcontinent
Study finds aerosols - suspended fine solid or liquid matter in the atmosphere - are adding to El Nino, which already deters the Indian monsoon.
Mist and clouds are atmospheric aerosols. Image used for representational purposes only. Image from India Water Portal Flickr photostream
How local democracy is solving water issues in southern Rajasthan
People come together to dig community ponds in Dungarpur, to fight water scarcity.
Community pond in Doja after the first pre-monsoon rain. Pic credit: Rajat Kumar
Gujarat tops NITI Aayog’s water index for second time
India’s water crisis likely to worsen as demand projected to exceed supply by 2050, says report
With water outages, shortages and availability, one sees these pots in every home, village, by the rainbow-hued hundred in shops, and even in precarious bundles balanced on the bikes of travelling wallah pot-sale vendors in Chennai. (Image: McKay Savage, CC BY 2.0)
Experts say cold desert regions need special attention
Desertification at high altitudes increasing due to melting of glaciers, causing concern and a push to devise preventive adapation strategies.
A view of cold desert in Ladakh (Photo: Annu Anand)
Dams, in distress?
It is time water policies in India acknowledge that many large dams have aged and can no longer be looked upon as the only path to water security.
Hirakud, India's oldest dam (Image Source: India Water Portal on Flickr)
What’s shit got to do with child health?
Open defecation plays a key role in solving the puzzle of persistent childhood malnutrition in India, says study
Studies indicate that more children stunted in India than in sub-Saharan Africa (Image: MOSPI)
Water in Pune’s urban quagmire
A study develops a peri-urban and rurban water and sanitation index for Pune.
A street in the city of Poonah [Pune] in 1871 (Image: Lester John Frederick, Wikimedia Commons)
Monsoon set to abate: SkyMet Weather
Rainfall likely over central, western India; Mumbai & Chennai to receive no rains; light to moderate rainfall in Delhi this week; no extreme weather events expected across India.
Picture for representational purposes only. Picture courtesy India Water Portal on Flickr
Vanishing water bodies behind Ahmedabad’s warm climate
A study shows how the open space on the western bank of the Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad acts as a heat sink.
Silverbill enjoying the cool feeling of breeze on the wet feathers in the scorching heat (Image: Koshy, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)