Source South Asia 2008, Issue 11 (11 Nov 08)
Source South Asia 2008, Issue 11 (11 Nov 08)
Bottled water for Rs. 12/ : Can the environment afford it ?
Bottled water for Rs. 12/ : Can the environment afford it ?
Rainbow Drive Layout -- A model for urban water management ?
Rainbow Drive Layout: A Case Study of Sustainable Decentralized Urban Water Management
Report from Kosi flood affected Murliganj Block of Madhepura in Bihar: Asha Parivar and NAPM
Report from a visit to Kosi flood affected Murliganj Block of Madhepura in Bihar on 31st October and 1st November, 2008
Relief report on the Bihar floods from the AID Eureka team, Chennai
Dharmendar and Oliver from AID Eureka Team, Chennai share their relief work experiences in Bihar
The Buddha's middle path? - News on water use consensus from Bolivia
Is this the approach to the holy grail called consensus on the right to water and its efficient use?!
Book Shelf : Special discount offer: Between the Devil & Deep Water : by Dr Mishra
The Kosi floods in Bihar stunned the world this year. But the real tragedy is that the disaster had been predicted. It was simply waiting to happen.
Who cares about the public? A first hand report of the tensions prevailing around the Kosi in Nepal and Bihar
Dinesh Kumar Mishra pens down emotions and responses of people living inside the Kosi embankment - to plug or not to plug
Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal: Special Issue on Water
From the Editorial: The special issue of the LDG on 'Water-justice and the Law' is a contribution to the expanding scope of debates on access to water and water-justice for the poor.
Source South Asia 2008:Issue 10 (29 Oct 08)
Source South Asia 2008:Issue 10 (29 Oct 08)
Water Moves! : Quaterly published by Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development under a Sir Dorabji Tata Trust supported Water Governance Project.
Water Moves! : Quaterly published by Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development under a Sir Dorabji Tata Trust supported Water Governance Project.